I have another question about my book, can someone help me?
….."While the saleswoman scanned the items"….
Is that correct, or do I have to adjust the sentence a bit?
….."While the saleswoman scanned the items"….
Is that correct, or do I have to adjust the sentence a bit?
My elementary school teachers always said that 'and' doesn't start a sentence. That always confused me, because even in books you sometimes find sentences that begin with 'and.' So is it wrong if my sentence begins with 'And'? For example: "And that wasn't all!" or "And that's why it was like that…"
Hey, I'm currently reading the final book (As Good as Dead) in the "A Good Girl's Guide to Murderer" trilogy and wanted to ask what you guys think of the series. I've watched it a few times and I find it both good and bad. What do you think of the series?
Hello, Can anyone tell me if the following statement from Bing/Chat is correct? "Yes, you understood that correctly! In the sentence "Take a photo of the lettering," "Schriftzug" is in the dative case, while in the sentence "Take a photo of the lettering," "Schriftzug" is in the genitive case. Both sentences are correct and mean…
Hello, we often use this wave (~) after messages or sentences for this effect?! Does anyone know why this is actually the case?
Do you have to list all the books you have read?
I had initially considered writing the story from the first-person perspective of the very young protagonist. Essentially, a boy's view of the world he's exploring, without the additional information of a narrator. The advantages, I thought, would be greater immersion and a deeper sense of connection that the reader would develop with his only significant…
To judge this, it would be good to know the whole sentence.
“While the seller Waren dragged over the scanner” can not be a complete set, because the “while” requires a second action that you do not describe here.
“While the seller Wweren pulled over the scanner, sighed these unsatisfied.” That would be a correct set-up.
The seller sighed dissatisfied while they Waren pulled over the scanner.” This would be another way to build the sentence with a “while”.
You need at least two ActsThe same time otherwise it is simply wrong.
Otherwise, you can use the assembly without any problems.
The assembly is fine, but Goods is a nom and has to be raised, and of course you have to finish the sentence.
“While the seller pulled the goods over the scanner, …”
it’s like
okk, thank you
Otherwise everything is true
You mean change. No, it’s okay. Just “goods” big.
However, a main set must be placed in front. For example, my phone rings while …
and then you also have spelling errors in your sentence: While you write with a small w. However, the goods are written with a large W.
Not necessarily. The sentence can easily begin.
I don’t think so. Because “while” implies that something else happens at the same time. What – so – takes place?
in the book is right in it, just quickly wrote down
Then I would like to read the whole sentence here – every letter as it stands in the book!
For example, a dog barks out annoyingly.