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There’s nothing to do with the piece and for the price. But you could make different packs such as one with action, one with horror or movies in which actress XY plays, etc., and then put them in at Ebay or Classifieds, so you could at least get rid of some and then eventually make an offer with the remaining movies/series you still have.
Or you’ll sell it to Rebuy/Medimops, maybe you’ll get a sum that suits you and then you’ll get rid of it.
Rebuy etc. can be forgotten. There are usually only some cent amounts!
I’d rather give away or dispose of things before I’d give myself the effort with these resellers. 😅
Then do smaller packs in different categories and so you will get rid of them in part better but as a package it is more difficult but smaller ones are better and more successful.
That’s a lot too stupid. Besides, I would call myself a misanthrope. I don’t want people! 😅
I’ve been thinking about ‘small ads’. But even that’s too stupid to me because I have absolutely no badges on hitting me with some idiots who still want to trade for cents.
Then you’d rather go to the ton with it! 🤷🏻 ♂️😂
Don’t worry about me. I’d rather take them with the flea market and sell them there you’ll get something for it and you’ll make others a pleasure with it. : I had done that with the movies I changed from DVD to Bluray.
I’m not the questioner, but I’m sure I got the 600 – 800 DVDs in the basement. 😅
If I have a lot of time and a lot of pleasure, maybe I’ll do it. If not, I give them either nem ‘Second Hand’ store, give them away on the street or dispose of them quickly professionally on the valuables farm. 🙊
Not more. Even if I were interested in 50 of them, it would be seven euros per movie, that’s why I can stream for a month. I would pay two euros for the films that interest me, never buy them all.
I bet more than half of you are interested.
I’ll get the box for free if you lose the bet.
300€ is a fair price that are almost 1€ per piece. I also take the shipping costs
You know what interests me? Nothing.
I have many complete series with 7-8 seasons/CDs (sopranos, breaking bath, Squid Game, Prison Break, Games of Thrones etc.)
Depends on what’s in it and whether the DVDs and Blurays are new. 350€ could possibly go, but as a whole no one will buy…
Selling takes too long
Yeah, but as a whole, you can’t get rid of it. But maybe you’ll find a place or where you’ll all get rid of them. I know there was a platform once, so you could scan them with the app and then you were told directly how much they would pay for it.
I have no interest in it xD
Take all of me and sell individually with profit
I give you everything for 300€ that are almost 1€ per piece
You probably can’t sell the collection. Unless it’s a lover or a collector.
are you a lover or a collector?
I’ll give you a good offer
For everything together 300€ and I take the shipping costs
Thanks for the offer. But no real interest. I sold my very extensive collection of records last year for reasons of space. Of course, the best pieces and rarities are first digitized. There were enough interested parties. Whether it’s like CDs or DVDs?
I’d rather ask less than half.
but not less than half
I have complete series with 7-8 seasons (Sopranos, Breaking Bad, Squid Game, Prison Break, Games of Thrones etc)