Ich hab keinen Zugang zu meiner Wut?
Mir ist Wut schon als Kind “ausgetrieben” worden. Nun fühle ich nur sehr selten, eigentlich fast nie dieses Gefühl. Es gibt aber immer wieder Anlässe, bei denen ich denke “normalerweise müsste ich jetzt wütend werden”.
Schon allein was in Politik und Umwelt los ist…
Ich hab auch das Gefühl, dass mich der fehlende Zugang zu diesem elementaren Gefühl ein Stück weit meiner Lebenskraft und -freude beraubt.
Wie könnte ich wieder Zugang zu meiner Wut bekommen?
It often feels natural only after “exercise” when you had no access to certain problems for so long and due to childhood embossing. The best way to learn is to communicate this to your counterpart, in the case of rather unimportant everyday situations, where you feel badly treated by someone. If you’re used to never give back words or express that you don’t find anything right, that would be the first approach. It will probably bring you more respect in the long term if you show limits. I don’t share that you are to be “threat” to never have anger, because it can be legitimate – you just have to deal with it properly.
Thank you. I can do something with that.
Thanks for the award!
I know that well, although I don’t know why it was a long time. until I was 16 or 17 I never got angry, if then rather sad. I am 22 now and am still very rarely angry but so slowly it seems to be better from itself. but I am also in therapy where this explicitly did not come to the speech.
o.k., thank you for your experience.
Wut is, after mourning and despair, the worst feeling ever. Be glad you don’t really get angry, because out of anger there is no joy of life. It is much wiser to act and consider things without anger. Wut is a bad guide. So be glad.
I can’t see that. There is a lot of vitality and vitality in anger. To suppress them cannot be healthy (then it turns in the form of depression). You don’t have to evaluate feelings. They’re what they are. It’s only getting tough when you leave anger out of someone. But it shouldn’t be the problem with FÜHLEN. Of course, I think I can act better. You can only let the anger smoke again before you act.
Of course you’re not wrong. To suppress his emotions is not healthy. It makes sense to let the anger smoke before you act. I understood your question so that you don’t feel anger and not that you’re pushing it.
Well, there’s no objection to the non-feeling of anger. It’s not unhealthy or bad. But if you really want to get angry, start looking at things you find wrong. Check out some videos of animal tortures, extremists or Putin. Make it a little longer and you’ll get angry. And then wait to see what this anger says.
Well, actually both. I don’t feel them, and I’d like to see them more clearly… it’s not yet happening. But of course, she also wants to find some expression: e.g. rage letters, images, political actions, etc.
Please be glad you won’t get angry so quickly! Because Wut is the worst guide you can imagine.
Who knows: maybe nothing has been “transmitted” to you and you have only learned not to always give up the first impulse, but to think before you trade.
I am doing a whole lot harder! I wish you could give me part of your pardon!
Thank you. Yes, I’d like to give you a part of my sensuality if I had some more access to my natural emotions. Seems to be a bit unevenly distributed. Acting out of anger is not good, I give you right. But to feel anger, I find it good because it serves the healthy demarcation and can also be a good reason to come into (positive) action.
I can certainly follow you – unfortunately only the least are able to channel their anger so that something positive comes out!
yes, there is the expression “right anger”. I think there is a rage that is more than justified. The question is just how to implement it in action (possibly install a break before)…
Go to the forest and yell out. It’ll be you.
Screaming? But I’m not after that… feels completely artificial. Besides, what should people think?
You have to let the emotion run once. Let you go. You confirm me by giving too much respect to what others think.
OK, interesting. Well, I guess I’ll make longer forest tours…
This is done by walking through the forest or sport 🙂
It’s not an experience of success, but the forest already has something brutally catching up when you appear there as a finite being and lets you in on it.
o.k., but for that I would have to feel them first;-)…