Ich hab gar keinen Motivation zum lernen, habt ihr irgend welche Tipps?


Ich bin eigentlich eine gute Schülerin… Nur leider fehlt mir seit diesem Schuljahr jede Lernmotivation.

Ich bin nicht am Handy, wenn ich nicht lern, aber ich schau dann einfach nur Löcher in die Luft…

Hat mir irgendjemand Tipps und Tricks, dass ich wieder gerne lerne, denn eigentlich will ich gute Noten haben und lernen, aber ich habe irgendwie eine innere Blockade

Liebe Grüße

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3 months ago

The trick is, as far as possible, everything you do, really conscious to do.

It’s OK not to learn and work all the time, but if you do something else, you have to sit down so hard. In this context, I would like to recommend going jogging at least three times a week until you get sweaty.

If you have to rest, don’t do half things, but go to bed and a real “power nap” of 22 minutes. Or how long you just need individually. But put alarm clocks and then take up and continue.

If you turn off and meditate or see distance or whatever – consciously 100% and focus. Possibly nothing just passively consume and get sprinkled. I got so many TV series and movies in my life, in exactly this way, and practically knows nothing more about the concrete action. Only in the most excellent works or episodes. I could have put the rest in my hair.

You’ll never reach 100%, but hey.

2 months ago

Is as simple as trying to learn as much as possible

2 months ago

Hmm, maybe I got this too, and that’s why last year in 2 main compartments have a 4 and in which bad grades?.

2 months ago

I can only tell you what I’m doing.

Train your discipline. Concentrate on yourself hide everything. What helps me take a break in the evening and replace it with meditation.

3 months ago

Just remember what you want to be. (manage or something)

And remember what you’ll likely be if you don’t learn. (For example, McDonald’s staff)