Ich hab eine Frage hab ihr alle UV Lampe in euer Käfige?
Hallo Leute ich hab 7 Wellensittiche die stehen bei mir in der Küche . An der Seite vom Fenster also nicht direkt am Fenster reicht das Licht aus was von draußen rein kommt . Oder soll ich eine Lampe ran machen ????? Jetzt habe ich noch eine Frage ein Wellensittiche sitzt auf der Stange seid ich ihn bekomme . Er geht fressen und dann gleich wieder auf die Stange. Ich hab schon Vitamine Tropfen und Ergänzungen Futter geholt . Die bekommen bei mir Karotten , gurke , Salat , und halt ihr Körner Futter .
I don’t think anyone can answer this because nobody knows the exact light conditions. In principle, no lamp can really replace the daylight according to which the birds are directed. Daylight is not always the same as a lamp. It fluctuates from early morning until it becomes dark, and this has an influence on activity, biorhythmus and the well-being of the waves (as in humans).
I would not recommend additional lamps. If they’re dark, it’s not good either. Maybe you’ll find another place for your beeps.
You do not need UV lamps as a normal holder.
If you give your waves as often as possible access to the direct sunlight in the warm season, this is enough.
The cheap UV lamps cannot replace the sun.
Think back to the physics class at school and don’t let anything talk about what is physically impossible.
And the expensive technology that can do this is not affordable for the normal holder.
A special bird lamp is therefore not necessary.
Either as bright as possible daylight, in the warm time direct sunlight and otherwise a bright illumination.
Also ballasts to achieve higher frequencies are not necessary.
Wave scales make no difference between 50 Hz or more.
They only always choose the brighter light.
I wish you a happy hand for your waves.
Best regards
– skilled in the art –
I still have a question I have a wave-sittiche that sits all the time on the rod and only moves to eat it. And is it always a bit off the other.
No. Such a bird is either already ill or he freezes. You should immediately provide first aid with red light. But be careful! The shaft is not allowed to overheat. I’ve written several times here. Please read in my older posts or in a good, old wave chart.
It’s too late for that….
Shall I separate him from the others
Not in, but above the cage.
In addition to the vitamin D production, bird lamps are important in terms of color vision, as wave tracts also see in the UV spectrum.
Everyone says what else I have them next to the window that will be enough.
Window panes filter part of the UV light. Even in humans it is not enough to sit in the apartment, but to prevent the “fresh air” to prevent a vitamin D deficiency.