Ich hab ein Problem?

Also meine Eltern haben für den Mittwoch gebucht wo es Schulpflicht herrscht bei mir bei meinen Geschwistern jedenfalls nicht deswegen dachten wir wir könnten einfach an den tag verreisen und wir können jz den Flug nicht verschieben so weiß jmd wie ich das erklären soll eine Bestätigung von dir Schule zu schulfrei zu haben ist schwer hat jemand andere ideen

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1 year ago

your parents had to pay attention. In the meantime, it is even at some airports that it controls whether a school-based child is flying. It only helps your parents go to school and ask for a release (is now a little short, ne?) and hope they take place. Otherwise they would have to book an extra flight from Thursday or leave you at home. Health reports would also be an uncharmant option, but as I said, it can be quite true that they will hold you at the airport and not let you fly.

1 year ago

If the school gives you no confirmation, don’t go to school. There’s no one paying attention at the airport and if you don’t have to be there for a day, it’s nothing bad. It was almost the same with me. In the end, the school gave us the confirmation because there was something different in the school order. Don’t let your holiday ruin you for a few days school

1 year ago


Penalty: Stay away from school for vacation – School 2024 (bussgeldkatalog.org)

Look here. The theme of “school compulsory” is an important topic.