Ich hab dich lieb?
Ich bi jahrgang 1948 und habe in meiner gesamten Kindheit von meinen Eltern, nie den Satz “ich hab dich lieb” gehört. Wo kommt das hehr? Ich bin in der ddr aufgewachsen, da hab ich das nie gehört, obwohl ich eine gute Kindheit hatte. Es wurde auch nie in einem Film gesagt, wie heute. Gruß wolle
Acts are more value than words. I’m sure there are many parents who hurt their children and apologise for it, and a “but I love you”. But I find it more important to show it to the child honestly with deeds. Then words are not important.
Can this possibly be related to the “culture” where their parents grew up? With the experiences they have loved? (World War II, World War II, Communism etc.)
Yes, but this culture prevailed throughout the country. WaS has the first. And World War II or even communism to his children, I love you? Does anyone have to start this?
I don’t know. That was just a guess