ich glaube meine mutter weiß von meinem essverhalten?

also ich esse schon seit anfang der woche nur noch mittagessen und keine süßigkeiten und süße getränke und habe auch öfter gesagt das ich draußen essen gehe (was eine lüge ist) und heute hat meine mutter mich erfragt warum ich denn nichts esse und dann meinte ich das ich gleich essen werde

aber eigentlich werde ich es nur in meinem zimmer verstecken und habe auch geplant es weiter so zu machen

glaubt ihr sie weiß es ich will mich aber auch nicht mit ihr darüber unterhalten

zur info

ivh hab schon probleme mit dem essen seit 1-2 jahren nur es war nie offensichtlich für meine mutter

bitte schreibt nichts mit das ist nicht gesund usw ich weiß!!

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1 year ago


Thank you for your honesty and courage in your question. It’s good that you realized you had a theme with your eating behavior. What you describe here sounds like malnutrition and endangering a magnificence. – Please take care of yourself and even if it may be unpleasant for you, I’ll give you the advice that you’re talking to your mother about it and stop lying. The suspicion of a magnificence is that it can begin as it is with you and the person concerned at the end no longer sees a way out and dies in the worst case.

It’s okay if you want to exchange candy against other foods. You can also tell your mother.

Hide food in the room will eventually lead to a certain odor load. This will tell you at the latest. That’s why it’s better that you talk openly to your mother/parents about nutrition and also clearly tell what you want and where you want what changes you want. If you get slightly nervous, write the most important thing first on a sheet of paper in keywords. – But the current path contains dangers ⚠️⚠️⚠️ that listen to you and that you don’t even see.

If you want to know more, write down your requests here before I get you unnecessarily.

Best regards, Lukas

1 year ago

To do without candy/sugar is not wrong.

Unfortunately, you can’t cover your needs with a meal a day, what does it say to eat morning and evening? Bread rich in fiber, cheese for your calcium needs etc, a bit of fruit and ready.

If you’re hoping to get tips on how to starve better, then it won’t work. We can’t give you any tips that hurt your health.

I also have three children, I would have noticed if my children were lying to me.

1 year ago
Reply to  00h3llok1tty00

We don’t know your mother, so we can only guess and that doesn’t help you. I can only write you as a mother, I know it and I’d control it directly. A mother loves her child and of course does not want it to get sick.

1 year ago

I hope that your mother takes your eating disorder very seriously and does not fall into your lies. To the clinic with you,

1 year ago
Reply to  00h3llok1tty00

That’s why magentists always think that their eating disorder is not so bad. Not a few even on the dead bed. Being aware that you are mental is the first step towards healing.

1 year ago

Do you want her to know or not? If she knows then what will change what you obviously want