Ich glaube ich bin Schwanger?

Mir war vor drei Tagen sehr übel, ich habe Unterleibschmerzen und mein Ausfluss ist milchig. Ich glaube, ich bin schwanger und habe daher gestern einen Test gemacht, welcher jedoch Negativ war. Jedoch hatte ich erst vor ca. 5 Tagen meinen Eisprung, daher kann der Test fälschlich sein. Meine Periode sollte ich in 10 Tagen bekommen.

Sollte ich jetzt schon einen Termin beim Frauenarzt machen, aber erst in zwei Wochen oder so, oder sollte ich abwarten, ob ich meine Tage bekomme und sonst nochmal einen Test machen?

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9 months ago

Of course, the test is negative. You can’t even be pregnant – at best (or worst) if you’re on your way. Until a fertilized egg has found the way to the womb and nested there AND then the HCG is produced, it takes a few days. Until then it has reached a value that can be detected in the urine, again a few days. 5 days after fertilization would not even be detectable in the blood – not even your body would have managed to get some of it. This means that your nausea and your pain have a different cause, which in doubt must be medically clarified. Pregnancy at any rate is excluded at that time as a cause.

9 months ago

Symptoms are only possible after the egg has been implanted. This is only 7 to 10 days after ovulation. Again it takes another 2 weeks to hcg so high the symptoms are really noticeable.

So your symptoms have other reasons.

In the first 4 weeks after ovulation, a female physician would only make a urine pregnant. It would be possible from 10 days after the ovulation.

9 months ago

At this point, the female doctor can’t do anything. Wait and then test again.

9 months ago

No, you don’t need to make an appointment, and you’d feel something about a month from a pregnancy.

Nausea is an inconceivable common symptom. I’m just a little smart, but I’m not pregnant. When I was pregnant, I was never bad.

You can test if your period expires. Lost means you’re over a week.

9 months ago

Even if your ES really took place 5 days ago (where do you want to know it so accurately…), you can’t be pregnant right now.

A fruited egg migrates for several days in the womb, rather it nests.