Ich fühle mich zu dick was tun?
hallo ich bin 17 Jahre alt und männlich . Ich wiege 70 Kilo und bin 177 cm groß . Aber unter den meisten t Shirts sehe ich so aus als wäre ich 100 Kilo und ich fühl mich immer so unwohl . Bin ich wirklich zu dick ? Weil seit fast 2 Monaten esse ich nur noch 2200 kcal am Tag und trz fühl ich mich zu dick , weil nach dem Essen auch mein Bauch richtig aufgebläht ist . Bin ich Übergewicht ?
Having a perfect weight, there is nothing to put out. A lot of sport naturally also helps to get the body in shape if you want to have even more shape in the body and are not satisfied,but so far everything is good👍
That’s normal weight. All right.
Thank you
The BMI of 22.3 means “normal weight”
59 – 74 kg
Ideal weight
If the weight is between 59 and 74 kg, everything is OK.
1.795 kcal
Basic sales
The body burns on day 1,795 kcal with complete rest.
2.200 calories are not little at 177 cm and average muscles and who knows how many calories you get through drinks.
According to BMI you are more at the upper limit than at the lower limit.
But you have to feel good and healthy and only that matters.
From a health point of view, you are not too thick. You have normal weight.
But if you feel uncomfortable, you can take a little bit off gently and slowly. There is nothing to talk about from a health point of view.
You have normal weight. I’m afraid that you feel differently today with many young people.
Work on your self-consciousness and move more, do sports.
You’re not too fat