Ich finde keinen HNO, bin komplett Taub auf rechtem Ohr?

Ich war vorgestern in der Notaufnahme weil ich extreme Ohrenschmerzen seit 5 Tagen hatte (feiertag, wollte eigentlich warten, weil es ja nichts lebensbedrohliches war, ich will nicht die Art Mensch sein die wegen Nichts zur Notaufnahme gehen). Der Arzt hat mein Ohr abgesaugt und mir ein Stück Stoff (wahrsch. antiseptisch idk) ins Ohr getan. Er meinte, dass ich am nächsten Tag zum HNO soll zur Nachkontrolle. (Diagnose Gehörgangsentzündung Otitis Externa)

Das war vorgestern. Ich finde keinen HNO, alle im Urlaub oder keine Zeit. Ich habe zwar jetzt keine Schmerzen mehr, aber ich bin komplett taub auf dem rechten Ohr. Ich höre nur noch son Tinitusgeräusch die ganze Zeit.

Was soll ich tun? Ich hab Angst, dass die Taubheit permanent bleibt.

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1 year ago

Because it’s the 5th time, you should think about the causes and eliminate them. Headphones, earplugs, hearing aids, swimming pool, cotton sticks etc.

All that you put in your ear can bring germs in and damage it and provide the germs with a warm basis for reproduction. Do not plug in or if it must be shortened wearing time and disinfection. Swimming pool doesn’t have to be, otherwise you won’t get around a spray. Wad sticks are not used. etc.

Talk to your doctor about ear spray for prevention.

Also ask your doctor what spray/drop you put at home or buy at the pharmacy emergency service when it comes back.

Don’t be confused. These are drugs for the outer ear.

For the inner ear, this is something else, you need nasal spray / nasal drops and, if necessary, a pressure equalization and if it is more than a cold, if necessary also a doctor.

1 year ago
Reply to  frgstllr172638

Watch when buying the Silion Stool for swimming on quality and a well-known brand. When showering you do not need it, the water is clean and clean water in the ear is certainly not great, but where should the germs be. But swimming water just has germs that do not kill chlorine. This could be a good solution to wear a plug there.

1 year ago

Get your ears out of the pharmacy.

Make pressure equalization as in the plane.

Make yourself a scarf, even at home. Heat is important. Red light or heat bottle.

A warm foot bath is also helpful.

1 year ago

Call your health insurance. They’re supposed to help you get an acute term.

By the way: do you not listen to a radio? the doctors who have been arrested have largely closed their practices between Christmas and New Year.

1 year ago

You just call the 116117 and tell them all and then they’ll tell you what you can do.

1 year ago
Reply to  seizegott

Good proposal, join me

1 year ago

Call your health insurance, they have to give you a Christmas appointment