Ich fahre ein Zoe Baujahr 2019?

Meint ihr das es sich lohnt mein geleasten Zoe zu kaufen wenn dann irgendwann nach 2 Jahren zum Beispiel noch 12000 Euro zu zahlen wäre? Ist ein Zoe Baujahr 2019 mit 41kwh. Zahle ca 250 im Monat inclusive Versicherung.

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3 years ago

So I work at a leasing bank and can tell you from my experience. If you lease the car as a new car, it loses at least 50% worth. If you used to lease him and want to drive him to death, I would take him

3 years ago
Reply to  Timgobi

Then buy him

3 years ago

depends on what the damages (if present) accrue to you, how the rest rate should look etc. in particular the contractually available running power (wide) has been exceeded and or pre-damaged, the purchase can be worthwhile.

lg, anna

3 years ago

It depends. You want to drive him until he’s dead? You need to remember that the development of e-cars continues and you might chain yourself to a car that is absolutely no longer state of the art in 2 years.

3 years ago
Reply to  TheQ86

Driving the Zoe 10 years would be more sensible than getting a new car every 4 years.

3 years ago

If the battery is bought and not rented, maybe – overall rather no.

3 years ago

Is the battery bought?