Ich esse zu viel Zucker, was kann ich dagegen tun?


Es geht darum das ich jeden Tag süßes esse. Heute zb. habe ich wieder 100 Gramm Zucker gegessen. Ich vermute das ich Süchtig nach Zucker bin. Ich mache mir Sorgen, weil das für die Gesundheit nicht gut ist. Ich habe schon versucht weniger Zucker zu essen, aber ich schaffe es einfach nicht.

Ich habe Angst Diabetes zu bekommen. Weil ich esse schon Jahre viel Zucker. Bis jetzt hatte ich noch Glück gehabt. Aber irgendwann schlägt der viele Zucker auf meine Gesundheit.

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9 months ago

It may be that your diet plan has not been particularly healthy lately, but you know that. However, if I read your question in this way, you’re also here to put the completely wrong priorities in your diet. The question of whether you like to eat sweet is not exactly the decisive factor in whether you become sick, but it actually depends on the totality of your diet and if you eat very rich in fat, for example with a lot of meat and sausage, etc., then these dietary habits in the long term also increase the risk of you suffering from diabetes or the like. And people with diabetes are considered seriously disabled when they need four insulin injections daily.

So do some things You’re sure you’re ready to eat some fresh fruits and vegetables every day, but you should take care Especially with rich meals, dairy products and meat, try to reduce these things. Instead, eat more vegetarian meals and smaller portions. Half of the plate should consist of colourful fruit and vegetables.

9 months ago

Simply buy less sweet and sugary (i.e. things that are added to household sugar) and rather go to fruit or vegetables.

9 months ago

Less sugar eat

9 months ago

What did you eat like that, you wear what you eat or how you know how much