Ich esse zu viel?
Also kommt mir jetzt nicht wieder mit das kann nicht sein usw (wegen meinen anderen Fragen). Doch. Ich habe heute bestimmt über 2,5k Kalorien gegessen und fühle mich so unglaublich schlecht.
Mich irritiert es so wenn Leute weniger essen als ich, aber ich habe nunmal mehr Hunger. Wie bekommt man das weg? Ich habe das Gefühl viel zu viel zu essen und kann überhaupt nicht einschätzen was angemessene Portionen sind. Oder wie viel ich brauche.
Allerdings bin ich sehr dünn sodass nie etwas gesagt wird, ich müsse weniger essen etc… ich hasse essen, wirklich ich fühle mich so schlecht danach, was kann man dagegen tun? Ich bin auch Untergewichtig esse aber mehr wie Übergewichtige??? Das ist wirklich nicht normal.
2500-3000kcal are a normal total requirement for very many people. Don’t let others influence you. So many have been eaten nowadays, because they were rewarded with food or punished, something wrong has gotten pre-lived or a fashion. in itself are somewhat more corrupt and feel uncomfortable. DAS is not healthy. So look at others. Precisely obesity eats rather little because they already feel uncomfortable and keep diet and torment their body – that can not seem publicly different.
As long as there are no good reasons to act on calories, leave it. Calorie counting is the beginning of an eating disorder. Just eat until you get tired of bsit and as often as you need.
By eating.
A good indicator is hunger itself. If he’s here, you should eat. If he’s gone, you should leave it.
Yes but I’m hungry too much
Then start categorizing your hunger.
There are significantly more situations and factors.
There are definitely differences, even if you don’t notice them.
You can also get accustomed to eating as soon as the feeling of hunger has left clearly.
You have a good metabolism (I also had in youth) and probably no to very low muscle mass.
Change the latter
Don’t be fun, sorry
If you do not want to change, please do not burden your time and your questions!
Then run a hobby that promotes muscles. Rowing e.g.
I want to change, but motorsport is a jelly for me, it’s not fun at all