I received too little standard rate this month?
I receive an unemployment pension due to illness and basic security, so I receive the standard rate of 563 euros.
I received about €45 less this month. According to the office, this was due to the pension increase, but I probably won't receive it until the end of the month. My money remained the same.
According to the office, it's true, and every citizen loses something once a year due to pension increases. Is that fair?
That’s quite normal, it goes according to the influx principle!
So if you get a 45 Euro pension increase at the end of July, it will be fully charged for your benefit for July.
In the end, by increasing the pension, you have again what you are entitled to under SGB – ll under civil money from the Jobcenter or the SGB – Xll with basic insurance from the Social Office.
The increase in the pension doesn’t bring you anything like anyone else in this situation.
The question is so blur.
Aha, on the one hand you got less for this month ok. But for the month you’ll get a pension increase, so you’ll get for the month if more? But your money remains the same. If it’s the same you didn’t get less (if only at a different time).
If it was less (first sentence) or more (second sentence) or remains the same (third sentence). If you always communicate like that, it wouldn’t surprise me if the office made strange statements to you…
But for the month does not sound right or ?
Am linguistically rather Austrian and in the Austrian, the month is also used as a new run (the month). See, for example, here in the official Austrian dictionary.
I will try to use the high-German standard version (Maskulin) here in the future if this is so disturbing.
The 45 € are not missing, but come a little later.
But then it’s 563 again. If esxangepaast becomes. You can’t feel about the increase in pensions
Social benefit recipients have no financial advantage from pension increases.
This would have to increase the control requirements.
Unfortunately, I don’t know how much money I’m getting more retired. According to the letter of office I receive about 25 eur more pension. It would be a difference of 31 eur. Then why 45 less this month?
I don’t think so, but I’m fine. The pension is paid retroactively for the month of July on 31.7. So the month of July flows and is to be counted on the citizen’s money.
Thank you
The pension increase is for the month of July, even if it is paid until the end of the month.
The 45 euros you have received for July are still compensated for by the higher pension payment in July (end of July).
But I get durxh the basic security also less that I am back at 563 eur rule set.
Double deduction for pensioners: Increase in pensions and supplements are calculated on basic insurance https://rentenbescheid24.de/doppeltes-pech-fuer-rentnerhoehung-und-zuschlag-will-be-an-grundsicherung-ancalculated/
You shouldn’t have more than before.
If you’d only take a pension, you’d have more. But the increase will be deducted from the basic security in your case.
The 45 € come with the pension at the end of the month
aso many thanks. But at the end, there are 563 with basic security. I don’t feel much about the increase.
No, that’s clear, your pension will rise and the taxpayer will be relieved by €45
The € 563 will be yours as a basic guarantee, the € 518 will be charged to you as an increase, and if you have € 45, you will receive a pension of € 1000, then you will be counted better than some pensioners of the 45 years paid, so stop complaining
I can’t hear or read that with the taxpayer. I got sick and I didn’t pick it up. Would also rather work than live from a basic security….
The money of taxes is thrown out enough. And as a rule, I have 563 monthly and not 518.