Ich dusche aller 2 Tage 1x 15 min?
Doch meine Mama rastet immer aus und schimpft mich voll. Sie meint, dass man für das Duschen nie länger als 5 Minuten braucht. Wir bezahlen für 2 Personen 110€ pro Monat Wasser und Heizkosten. Ist das viel? Meine Mama beschwert sich darüber. Was kann ich machen, um wirklich mitzuhelfen, damit der Preis iwie niedriger wird.
I only shower every two days and not very long. But my dad always freaks out and says three times shower in the week is too much 😭 There are normal people who shower every day :(Ey I just stink after two days and my hair/head skin are super fatty then. He doesn’t understand, he has no long hair 💀
So I just do the hair briefly wet (body automatically with it). Then shampoo hair and spread shower gel. And if you flush out the hair, then the shower gel at the rest is also completely gone 👌
You consume about 150 litres of water for 15 minutes.
If you smell properly then it usually takes between 5 and 8 minutes. You make hair and body wet, after which you make the shower first. Then you get dressed and foam the hair. Then one takes a washcloth and rubs with the flap again over the soaped areas so that skin flakes and co get away. Then turn on the shower and take away soap and shampoo. Shower out, dry out.
And even though she knows you…
Your mother told you.
Thank you?
You can save water with an asparagus head and set off the water while you are ashamed. You can save more than 50% of the water alone.
Who washes properly, so also scrubs and not only slides over with soap, head and body, which takes longer than 5 minutes. If you are still shaking, exfoliating and what else a woman does, of course you don’t make it daily.
As Teeny, who definitely produce more sweat thanks to puberty, you have to wash more often. It’s only right if you like. fine hair has to drink again after 1 day before fat. The job also plays a role in body hygiene. For all set a standard shower time and frequency is simply “not well thought out”.
Parents like to complain about the shower time. It’s right when they look at the electricity/water bill. What I can understand. But they shouldn’t forget that they were once sweating all the time stinking teenies. Instead of giving the guilt to the child, better explain why is less important and how it is. Explain to your mother that you put the water on soaping.
Try it all: stop the time when you take a normal shower next time. Without rushing. Clean it up. Head, face, body, feet, intimate. Soap and wash until you get out of the bathroom. Most parents do not calculate the bath time. You can shower for 8 minutes, but stay in the bathroom for longer.
Edit: Have read your other question and understand why your mother is so excited. Solution is basically in the other question
I, as a woman with long, dense hair, come with 5 minutes of pure shower when it comes to the “regular everyday shower” (more time-intensive is the after, until the hair is again dry and fryed, the make-up sits and the outfit is selected for the working day, dressed and equipped with appropriate accessories ;)). Sure, a round of “everything shower” takes much longer. But this is not the “sustainable”, but rather the “basic cleaning”;).
Warm water costs money and showers (wash without hair) you can really be loose in 5 minutes. Everything else is just using money. And since your mother pays the bill and you can’t care about it – but she’s not. So you should go after her.
You can’t say flat-rate. As far as heating costs are concerned, this can be quite fluctuating. In the case of a well-insulated new building, there is much less heating costs than in the case of poorly isolated old buildings.
less heating and shorter showering
mami already betrayed you
is quite understandable, gelle
It’s not too long. I shower every day 10 min. The costs are also for heating.
So for the first time I definitely think about 5 minutes if you are really mega-saving with the water. most of the time is to rub the products and not to wash them off.
that you could definitely reduce if you add a shower that saves water. weis not like the radiotiooned but gives seemingly showerheads the 30% less water atomize aks ‘conventional’?
and 110 euro is mega much? do you pay a few cents for a liter of water?
I don’t know how to heat. is it due that it is winter and let your heaters run completely?
we don’t feel like we’re heating.
Maybe someone’s taking you? but if that goes wrong
You could buy a water-saving valve, that you get already at net or in any case in the construction market.
long showers waste water.
You can also adjust the shower jet when you soap or shampoon your hair
Would this shower reduce to 7 minutes that water will turn off when you do soap and shower in summer with cold water, that should save money.