Ich darf kein Big Bang Theory gucken?

Ich wollte Big Bang Theory gucken (bin jetzt 12, auch selber Autist), aber meine Eltern erlauben es mir nicht obwohl es doch mega witzig ist. (Ich dachte, hier gilt die Regel: Was im Wohnzimmer passiert, bleibt im Wohnzimmer) Na ja, jedenfalls sagen sie die Serie sei zu anzüglich für mein Alter dabei ist sie doch FSK12?! Und bei Netflix steht auch teilweise es ist ab 6?!

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2 months ago

You can decide what you’re looking at, but I also think that they’re a little exaggerating. Have the series looked very often but as too attractive I wouldn’t title it. Can you ask what they find too attractive so you at least know why you can’t look at them.

Isn’t that what you want to look at the American Pie series, that would be very attractive and I could understand it, but rather not with TBBT. There are jokes about the many clichés, but this is not so bad and not serious.

warehouse14, UserMod Light

The FSK and Netflix don’t know you like your parents.

So the rule applies: what the parents say is made.

Stock 14

2 months ago

Mom and Dad say what you can. Point.

2 months ago

I thought here the rule applies: what happens in the living room remains in the living room

If that’s the case, you shouldn’t put the story on the Internet. It doesn’t help you if I say now, the consequences aren’t so attractive, because your parents will set the rules anyway, not me.

2 months ago

If your parents don’t want it, you can’t do it. They have the last word.

There is also no question here, but only a complaint. A final sentence doesn’t make a question.