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Gute/schnell gemachte Frühstück Ideen?
Ich esse selten Frühstück und will was daran ändern.Habt ihr schnell gemachte, leckere und gesunde Frühstücksideen? Ps: Müsli und Toast mag ich nicht so
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Langzeitflug Essen?
Hallo 🙂 Ich bin demnächst in Japan und habe demnach einen 14h Flug vor mir. Ich habe gehört, dass man sein Essen darauf anpassen soll (nicht zu fettig etc). Was könnt ihr mir da empfehlen, habe nämlich schon so Probleme mit dem Magen, und dazu noch Nussallergie und Laktoseintoleranz, da möchte ich nicht super oft…
Bin 13 und mag kein Brot muss es aber essen was meint ihr?
Also meine Eltern sagen muss da mal durch und hab Pech gehabt und ich soll mich nicht so anstellen soll mich mal dran gewöhnen das zu essen was meint ihr?
So I’m similar, so many people tell me to eat more. But usually I’m not hungry, but I’m really fit. All I do is walk, train or bike. Because I keep getting headaches in the car.Also I eat only 3 toast and a cup of milk every day. I think people like you or I are just normal. We don’t eat 7 chickens per day but rather an apple.
With me it is so I eat every lot of things is only eating all day, even unhealthy things. But don’t take a bit! Many people admire me for that reason, but it was already with my father.
You contradict yourself.
So sometimes you eat only three toasts a day. But according to your comment, you’re only eating all day. Doesn’t make sense.
If you’re only 3 toasts you don’t take too, but I’ll eat much more than you and still can’t move
So there are days when I eat a lot. And just don’t get fat.
Yes I have to admit I have expressed myself somewhat unclear. I meant on some days for a birthday in the family, 5 to 7 pizzas are always ordered. Then I eat because they ordered it extra. But I don’t.
Your name is not in my comment.
Not me but the guy
I would have been flying around
Actually, you give the answer yourself. You probably eat too little 🤷 if I have a few days lasting too little bit of eating I also have no energy. Where should they come from if I don’t give my body any fuel in the form of eating. The game is also no matter how healthy you otherwise feed.
I check but not why I get fat
Then it should be too much again
But I can’t go for two years
The fact that you’re doing it will help you a psychological clink.
For powerlessness, a sensible piece of meat is recommended to eat, lead me to read that after signs of deficiency.
When I “feed” your questions You only get yourself “Müll” or how you want to get from humus or similar power and energy
I eat wholemeal bread,ummus, avocado, soy yogurt, chocolate,walnuts fruit, wholemeal, vegetables, potatoes,meat,fish, eggs, lentil noodles, couscous cradle 71 kilos at 166
Still can hardly move me and tilt around
Then let’s make a big blood picture, maybe something’s wrong
Sorry then I don’t know anymore, so I’m out good improvement and a lot of success
I haven’t been running well for 2 years
I don’t have any depression I want but it doesn’t work my legs then bend around or I’m getting dizzy again Look at this, hit it to ☝🏽 then need professional help
To move degrees so household and stepper
Does not work anymore
And how is it with movement in the fresh air
It’s funny that everything is good, but it’s very low blood pressure
Your questions are always repeated.
You have an unhealthy behavior for your food intake, always yell around, that you weigh too much, but do not use the help of psychotherapists and psychiatrists.
There are so many doctors who can examine you… if it’s not true with the Seel, and you don’t want therapy, nobody can do anything.
Why don’t you go to a clinic and let me help you!
Why then weigh 71 kilos I can no longer have not eaten much on the scale stands 71 kilos 😪 at 166
Go to a clinic, it’s been for months. Your condition will not change if you ask new questions a week.