Ich brauche Paypal als Zahlungsmöglichkeit für meinen E-Commerce Shop bin aber erst 15?
Wie gesagt bin ich erst 15 und keine 18. Was kann ich jetzt tun? kann ich mich mit Paypal in Verbindung setzten und zeigen das ich bereits in Besitz eines Gewerbesschein bin?
Paypal is from 18, without any restriction.
And if it’s still known at Paypal that there’s a fraud about misuse of foreign paypal accounts against you…
Oh, you got a business license?
Yeah, I got a business license.
So what? I wrote first:
In the end, did you write “Ah, you have a commercial license?” I interpreted this as a question.
Paypal doesn’t care if you have a business license or not. It won’t work.
Paypal is from 18, also with commercial license.
And how do they do that? Do they use the Paypal account from their parents?
They lie
Can’t read yourself ridiculous and read agbs or can’t call yourself like an adult at paypal?
With your adult self-confidence?
I’m just very confident and know what I’m doing.
Do you know I’m always wondering at such a commissar what brings you that, wanting to make you vicious and super smart?
Or are you pissed and don’t want to admit it?
Paypal is exclusively from 18 j because of the full business ability, with 15 is the restricted, since paypal has no desire to be too stressful.
However, you can ask your parents to offer their Paypal for business or to open a business account at Paypal.
First lie and now my guess. Make yourself laughable before a child.
They’ll probably take their parents’ account.
And asking this, but calling others immature is already funny…
Can’t be. There are at least a few minors in this country who make e-commerce and accept Paypal. With your unhelpful comments, you can only show me your immature. Don’t waste my time