Ich brauche Hilfe mein roller hat Starke kalt Start probleme?
Ich brauche unbedingt Hilfe, mein Roller hat starke kalt, Start Probleme, ich muss ihn 30 Mal an kicken, dann geht er an, würde ich das über den E-Starter versuchen, dann geht die Batterie leer, ist der Roller warm gelaufen, kann man den E-Starter nutzen. Mit 1 Knopf druck ist er an, ich weiß nicht, woran das liegen könnte. Ein YouTuber der Roller reparieren tut, (Rocky Roller Doktor) meinte, ich soll diese Sachen erneuern, damit er dieses Problem nicht hat. Ich möchte auch nicht Alles neu kaufen, bitte um Hilfe!
Ich soll Anlasser, CDI, Zündkerze, E,-Shoke, Anlasser Freilauf, Relais, Sicherung, Zündspule, Lichtmaschine und Luftfilter neu kaufen, dann springt er an, stimmt das? Bitte um HILFE!
Unfortunately, no one here knows which scooter it is, whether it is a two-stroke or four-stroke, whether it has carburetor or injection system…. because all this would make it easier for us to help you….
You can therefore only provide general information.
Screw the spark plug out if you’ve done a few start attempts, so you can arrange the problem with the fuel supply or ignition.
If the spark plug is dry, there is probably a problem with the fuel supply because the roller has a vacuum gasoline valve which does not open immediately or not completely because the membrane has hardened and thus has become difficult to operate.
The vacuum gasoline valve opens only by negative pressure and only when the engine is started and run – stands the engine, no negative pressure arises and the vacuum gasoline valve does not open or closes again.
Perhaps the gasoline cock is so difficult that it takes some time to open what would explain, why the starter is so long or you have to hit the kickstarter so often.
Since we don’t know what scooter it is, of course, we can’t know if it’s a mechanical or vacuum gasoline valve, but you should check it.
This is a Generic xor 50 2stroke
It has a vacuum benzinhan han I noticed when the scooter is on and I keep the exhaust
Buying in any case not so much
it can be that your e choke does not work properly (if you have an e choke)
Yes I have one is a 2Takt generic xor 50
What do you think I should buy? So he doesn’t have a cold start problem?