Ich brauche Hilfe!?
Hallo erstmal.ich habe ein großes Problem. Also ich bin befreundet mit einem Freund dessen Eltern richtig viel rauchen,das ganze Haus stinkt danach.
Mein Freund fragt mich jeden Tag ob ich ihn besuchen kann. Und zuhause dusche ich dann halt jeden Tag. Das eigentliche Problem ist das ich eine lose Zahnspange tragen soll(4 h pro Tag)
Ich kann dir Zahnspange nicht tragen bei ihm weil die dann auch nach Zigaretten riecht.
Ich bin sowieso schon hinten dran was die Zahnspange.
Und ich habe auch keine Lust mehr jeden Tag zu duschen.
Was soll ich tun?
Ich bin langsam verzweifelt….
If you’re good, talk to him. Tell him it bothers you and you don’t want to see him anymore.
But I can imagine that this is not as easy as I said. If you don’t want to do this, you can see how you might come by. You don’t always have to come to him, he can come to you, or you can meet outside.
The problem is that I’m living in an apartment right now and looking for a house. For example, my dad and I sleep with my brother in a room that’s really small.
And out there rarely goes because his parents pick him up and then work and he’s with his grandma.
if it’s cold.
Does his grandmother smoke?
The only thing that would be possible is that I tell him, but I’m afraid he’ll be sad…
The house of his grandma also smells like cigarettes, not so strong but smells
I wouldn’t go there, I’m sorry I don’t get that smoke smell. No one can force you to.
It’s just that I’m one of his few friends and otherwise our relationship is broken.
I don’t have many friends
You decide what you do in the end, but with the smoking they will never stop.
So should I tell him?
He needs to know why you don’t want to go, I don’t think so badly when you say that.
I’m afraid he’ll be sad
How old is he?