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What exactly do you mean negative and why?
and what credit? For what, how high, runtime? What kind of income do you have?
kreitgeber do not rely blindly on the Schufa. For small amounts only in the mass business, it is not worthwhile to carry out its own detailed examination because of the workload.
but all banks have similar foundations for assessing customer creditworthiness.
if the amount is not too small, so that it can be worthwhile for the bank, the Schufa is rather bad only due to the past, but for the future due to a reasonable job and regular income the repayment might seem possible
With a negative Schufa, most of the time, only oursing providers remain, most of which I would actually guess. So try a private person
I then need a disgusting one who knows that
Not natural. No one gives money to an already blatant debtor. Go to work. 12 to 14 hours a day!
If you go to a credit shark, then it can be risky for you healthily, because these people are driving their money with “future” arguments. You better go to a debt counselor.
Maybe a mini loan could help you here at short notice? More about this:
In the long term, you should still try to set up financially in such a way that you do not need credit.
Just googling. I only know the Sigma Kreditbank Liechtenstein. The loans are standard. Read everything smoothly.
And the scraping trap of the credit shark widens the next one.
This is a serious bank, don’t be ridiculous!
Why would someone lend you money if he knows you have other debts and can’t pay back?
From charity?
Just try to get away from the debt and get out without credit.
Not with serious providers.
Hopefully not, would not be good for your future.
Security wants every serious lender.