ich brauch dringend hilfe! wellensittiche?
Ich brauch dringend hilfe!!! es ist was schreckliches passiert mein wellensittiche saß gerade oben auf der lampe und hat dann ein Stromschlag bekommen!!! er sitzt sonst nie da und ich bin mir auch nicht sicher ob das einer war aber er hat aufeinmal angefangen zu “schreien” und ist aufn boden gefallen dann war er kurz erstarrt jetzt kann er nicht mehr fliegen !!! er knallt gegen die wände ich hab so angst ich hab ihn jetzt in käfig gesetzt….
Leave the waves in the cage and cover it with an air-permeable cloth so that the bird has its rest.
You can put the cage a little warmer ( 2 … 3°C) and then the shaft section needs a lot of rest.
You can only wait and observe the further progress.
With a bit of luck, the waves are unharmed.
If the bird shows permanent damage, it will most likely also be irreversible.
Then you can’t do anything and most likely no veterinarian.
Depending on the severity of the injury, you should decide with respect to the bird how to proceed.
Best regards
Thank you for your answer, It is fortunately all again good, he has eaten, drunk and can fly again normally. the other one immediately flew to him and cleaned him. I am threatening all that went well
If you have, put it in a small cage or a padded (Zewa) transport box. Google vogeldoktor, see which veterinarians in your area have opened tomorrow and take him there.
Good luck!
Hello first,
Look at your little one when he can fly normally again. Much you can’t do also look at his feet which are very sensitive and maybe he got something there. If you see burns or any injuries you can easily cream them with vaseline, however he does not get the vaseline in ‘mouth’ because vaseline is very rich.
You should look at him by Monday and make sure that he is acting differently if this is the case, you should visit a doctor who knows birds.
I’m not a professional my little ones make me worry more often so I research a lot.
I’d wait to see if it doesn’t get better or even worse. Because if not a TA should be visited as soon as possible.
What a question.
If you can’t go, call the doctor, he’ll come to you.
I don’t have anyone who could drive me to the vet because my parents are gone…
Are there metal wires that are not insulated? Let’s see a picture of the lamp.
Does he have burns?
No burns he hasn’t, and metal trillions aren’t there…I don’t know how that could happen…because there’s actually nix what he could do…
Let’s see the lamp.
you can’t do more.
Wait, and then call the vet on Monday, or you’ll call it right there. I’m sure there’s some tips on how to talk.