Ich bin zu dick bitte tipps?
Hallo allerseits, Ich bin 13 Jahre alt lebe in Sizilien und bin deutscher. Ich bekomme sehr viele blicke und Hetzereien dass ich zum teil verstehen kann. Ich will ins gym gehen doch meine Familie hat dazu wirklich kein Geld wir kommen schon kaum über die runden… Wie kann ich möglichst viel abnehmen in kurzer zeit weil ich möchte es auch den menschen zeigen die nie an mich glaubten! Hier: Größe:
und relativ fett
Bitte gibt tipps und bleibt respektvoll🆒
First of all, you don’t have to understand any heresy!!!! You’re not guilty when others bully you. They are the mobbers who are stupid and want to profile themselves at other people’s expense (to your). Because they are not satisfied with themselves.
The second: you can look inside you tube. There are so many sports options to do something good. Starting with situps, push-ups, weight trainings (with filled water bottlers cost almost zero), go to sports club (a lot cheaper than gym). Cycling, swimming, running.
You even have the right to let you check with the doctor in this respect – that only goes with your parents, and that doesn’t cost anything. If you are overweight, there are measures paid by the health insurance fund for children.
Doing without sweet and fatty food is also a measure.
How to lose weight? Less eat and much exercise. You don’t need a gym, you just need discipline!
Pay attention to calories and move more. You don’t have to go to the gym!
Sports can also be done without muckibude! And pay attention to his diet.