Ich bin sooo nervös und aufgeregt ich war beim urologen und hab ein Aids test gemacht die meinten die haben das Ergebnis in 6 Tagen und ich kann an nix anderes?

Mehr denken was würdet ihr an meiner stelle tun

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2 years ago

So the last line you could have packed into the headline now, that would not have been noticed. Talk to God and ask him for help, but I pray for you in the future better for you;-)

2 years ago
Reply to  Notyourcousin

This is nice and happy, I still have something nice for you >>>


All good 😉

2 years ago

Is there any reason to worry? Did you have sex without condom or contact with an imperial needle or similar? If so, is that at least 6 weeks ago?

2 years ago
Reply to  Notyourcousin

Even if the other person is HIV positive, it can only have been infected. So just because you had unprotected sex doesn’t mean you get AIDS now. Now it just means be patient. I’ve been testing for HIV, too, was negative.