Ich bin seit Jahren bei der Postbank angemeldet also habe ein Girokonto und möchte mal auch Sparkasse testen, weil bei uns kaum Postbank-Automaten sind?
Sollte ich wechseln oder einfach beide Konten führen?
Mir die Geldeinnahmen aussuchen auf welchem Konto es ausgezahlt werden sollte.
Wie findet Ihr es? Lieber nur ein Konto oder lohnt sich mehrere Bankkonten zu besitzen bzw. dort angemeldet zu sein.
Ist Sparkasse besser als Postbank?
Was ist Eure Erfahrungen mit diesen bekanntesten Banken deutschlands? Danke schon mal
Problem is that there is no Single Sparkasse gives, but about 350 different Saving banks different offers, different Conditions and different Service so that a simple comparison with the postal bank is hardly possible.
However, the 1822 direct offer (which belongs to the Frankfurter Sparkasse) is available throughout Germany, where 4 or 6 payouts (depending on the account model) are possible for free at all savings banks.
I find the savings banks light years better than the post bank.
Which points is Sparkasse better?
The post office has lt. Press only problems.
It’s exaggerated.
The transfer of the Postbank accounts to Deutsche Bank’s systems has caused problems last year in certain situations (e.g. in the case of protection accounts or construction finance), but the normal customer with a normal current account has not noticed anything about it.
In addition, this changeover has now been completed, new customers are not affected at all.
The planned further thinning of the branch network is more annoying for postal bank customers. In future, the possibility of depositing and disbursing at Deutsche Post’s branch offices will also disappear, so that Postbank customers will ultimately only have around 300 branches available throughout Germany.
See e.g. https://www.tagesschau.de/wirtschaft/konsumer/postbank-filialen-post-partnershops-bargeld-100.html
lt. = noisy or according.
Press = News / Information media.
what is IT. Press release
I would switch to an online bank these are usually better from the terms and use several machines.
I am very happy with Comdirect and can take off almost all machines 3 times a month for free.
Can’t take money from any bankomat, doesn’t make any difference.
If you are satisfied and do not pay high fees, a change is not worth it.
Sparkasse fits with me. Good consultant, fees ok, good app.