Ich bin noch nie mit dem Flugzeug geflogen?

Ich bin 19 und noch nie mit dem Flugzeig geflogen, nicht das ich angst hätte oder kein geld hätte, ich denke das ich für einen flughafen zu dumm wäre. Dieses Bording usw wie finde ich das richtige flugzeug? Wo bekomme ich meinen koffer wieder und wie komm ich dann in mein hotel?

Ich denkr ich habr angst irgendwo ins ausland zu fliegen weil ich wenig englisch kann..

Das gleich hab ich mit Fussballstadions, ich liebe fußball, wollte in ein stadion trau mich aber netbda ich nicht weiß wir. ich meinen platz finden soll wenn dort 60.000 laute sind, welchen sektor und so weiter..

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6 years ago

I flew to another continent for the first time with 14 and it was brilliant. You just have to leave your suitcase at check in. They weigh your suitcase first and then a label is glued to it so that your suitcase comes into the right plane.
After that you have to go through the safety control, you have to get everything out of your pants pocket, put your hand luggage and your jacket on the roller conveyors (usually in such small boxes) then you go through such a door and if there is nothing pept, you go on and the people buttons you off from top to bottom. If everything was okay, you just go to your stuff. Then you just have to find the right gate. It is all exactly described where the entire gates are (e.g. you have gate B23, and with the shields stands gate 23-34 and an arrow in which direction you must. If you found the right gate then your plane would have to be there. That was it. And that with the speeches abroad, you hardly have to talk to someone at the airport if you do everything right;).

6 years ago
Reply to  DerBF03

Oh, yeah, you have to go through passport control.

6 years ago

that’s really simple:

a flight from “a” to “b” and as soon as you complete the bend, you will be told which plane you fly e.g. A44 and this will be cancelled at the airport then you will have to go through such a walk where it is labeled wherever you need to get into your plane. Where you’re sitting on your ticket that you’ll get by post or pick up personally. Moreover, there is the date and time that you can find on your booking.

With the baggage, this is also quite simple>>>

on your ticket stands at which switch/theke you must release your suitcase e.g. switch 198 or 213 (they are sorted by order i.d. 1, 2, 3,…)

You need your ID or ID. Passports always have to do so (Note enough when fleeing to EU countries)

6 years ago

Wasn’t you the one who asked today how we find that you were “flied” with your ex on holiday?

6 years ago

Take people with you, it’ll be easier for you. And once you’ve done it, fear has vanished quickly anyway:)

6 years ago

What are you doing against his fears? Keep going!

…and at the airport everything is easy! Simply follow the signs gradually to the target of the human stream.

6 years ago

Just try it:-)

6 years ago

everything goes to learn and is not a problem

Millions but millions have learned this.
