Ich bin mir unsicher ob ich geblitzt wurde?
Guten Tag, bei uns in der Nähe steht ein fester Blitzer, der Orange blitzt.
Normalerweise bremse ich immer ab, heute kann ich mich allerdings nicht daran erinnern, abgebremst zu haben.
Einen Blitz habe ich auch nicht bemerkt.
Was denkt ihr? soll ich mir weiterhin Gedanken machen ?
Yes, if you always have to brake in front of a flasher you generally drive too fast and should perhaps rethink and adapt its way of driving.
You may look again at the calculations from the stopping path to illustrate what you can do with excessive speed.
If you don’t get a letter, no.
If so, I’d think about driving more properly.
What you might think about is why you always have to decelerate extra at the flasher… If you just keep yourself in speed, you don’t have to.
But whether you’ve been blitzed or not, you’ll find out by post in the next few weeks. Breaking your head now does not change
Yeah, worry.
If you include these funny round signs with the numbers positively in the way of driving, you do not need to slow down before lightning.
That wouldn’t be quite wrong.
Seems you’re dreaming about driving.
About your driving style anyway. If you have to brake before the flasher, you were apparently too fast before.
Yes, keep thinking
why think if you feel flashed when the “bad” letter comes.
As long as you don’t get a letter?
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