Ich bin mir nicht sicher ob ich schon meine Periode habe?
Vor genau einem Monat hatte ich das erste mal wahrscheinlich meine Tage. Mein Klopapier war ganz rot und meine Binde auch. Am zweiten Tag und der Rest war es allerdings nur braun.Ich hatte aber allerdings Unterleib Schmerzen und Krämpfe. Aber jetzt sollte meine Periode dann wieder kommen ist sie aber immer noch nicht (3 Tage Verspätung). Ich bin mir irgendwie nicht richtig sicher weil des ja auch so ,,komisch“ braun war.
This is normal at the beginning or in the first 1-2 years that the bleeding is still weak and can also be quite brown. It’s also normal that she doesn’t come regularly, it’s just a 🙂
The bleeding changes in color and consistency during “days”. From light to dark brown everything can be there. Woven pieces can also be in this case.
The period is not 7 days simply pure red blood.
Especially in the first years this is often very confused and lasts until it is really regular.
This is normal when it begins with young girls that they mature.
The bleedings are then sometimes only sparse and irregular.
This increases and regulates time.
I often wonder why so many young girls ask such questions here instead of asking their mothers, grandmothers, aunts, big sisters, educators…
Thank you for your answer:) I had actually asked my mother but she could not really help me:,(
This is completely normal in the first period. It’s also safe if the next one can wait a bit. At the beginning this is often very irregular.