ich bin hässlich (ernst gemeinte frage)?
ich bin ein mädchen über 18 und ich bin leider nicht schön das hatten mir auch viele in meiner umgebung gesagt. Mich will auch kein junge kennenlernen oder ich werde direkt abgeblockt. Wenn ich den spiegel schaue, egal wie sehr ich mich pflege, sehe ich einfach nicht das ich schön bin. Ich bekomme auch nie komplimente. Ich habe aus dem grund auch überhaupt keine freunde mehr weil man äußeres nicht passt und in dieser Jugend jeder darauf achtet. Was kann ich tun? Ich bin aufgrund meinem äußerlichen jeden tag zuhause und mache nichts. Ich hab mich einmal mit einem jungen getroffen und er meinte auch das ich hässlich bin. Ein anderes mal habe ich mal ein bild von mir jemanden geschickt und ich wurde direkt blockiert. Viele Leute nannten mich auch schon hässlich.Mich findet keiner hübsch mir hat noch nie jemand gesagt das ich schön bin sondern immer das gegenteil in all den jahren und ich weiß nicht was ich tun kann. Ich möchte nicht mehr zuhause sein und mich verstecken müssen.
You should keep trying to meet people. Those who turn away from you, just because you don’t get them visually, are the wrong ones for you anyway!
The best thing would be if you tried to surround yourself with people who are not as superficial and like you as you are. Finding such people isn’t easy. Above all, I would advise you to leave this with the photos first. Why does anyone have to know from the start how you look? That’s quite a thing. I’ve been having internet communications for years, of which I’ve been kp as they look. Nevertheless, you understand well and I can only imagine that this would be a good thing if you meet in the RL after all that time.
Beauty is not important, but what a person you are. I’m sorry if you’ve only come to people who can’t recognize it.
And stop telling you that you are ugly, even if it were true (which is purely subjective anyway) … and? You’re a pity for yourself, because what you’re talking about yourself, you’re also emitting to the outside.
You don’t have to hide at home either. Attempts to establish contacts where externalities are not concerned. How about a sports club or another hobby?
In addition, maybe a type consultancy would be something for you.
Beauty is always in the eye of the viewer. I wish you could meet people who are not so superficial.
All Love
Very good answer!
Thank you.
Do not reduce yourself to your exterior! If it is true that many people do not find you pretty, it is a pity (and not very nice to call you “ugly”), but it does not make you a bad person! In addition, I am convinced that every person is beautiful in his own way, or at least has something positive in himself, with which he/she can win other people for himself!
If you really suffer from your appearance and other comments, you can try to change little things to you. Often, another hairstyle or clothing makes a lot about your effect on others. And maybe you can look more positive about yourself!? And then you can also win people for you with your character and behavior, making the appearance unimportant.
Maybe it also helps you get to know people online first and first of all without seeing each other to build mutual sympathy!? This also makes the exterior even less important.
Hi, right in front of the only person you have to please, you are yourself.
As you present yourself, it will also perceive your outside worlds.
If the world were only made of people who were 10/10, everything would be boring. Everyone can find someone you like, even if you don’t want to see it like that.
Everyone is beautiful in his own way!
Every man is wanted by God, made wonderful by God for the task which he is to fulfill here.
Maybe the fate and the positive turn of Nick Vujicic can raise and motivate you.
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Vujicic#:~:text=Today%20lives%20Vujicic%20in%20California,Kirchen%20and%20 at20Christian%20congress.
Everyone finds someone