Ich bin froh keine Gefühle mehr zu haben?
Ich habe seit längerem keine Emotionen mehr wie Freude oder Liebe und ich bin froh darüber. Verliebt zu sein ist einfach anstrengend und nervig und endlich bin ich davon geheilt. Es ist einfach geil keine Emotionen und Gefühle mehr zu haben. Was ist eure Meinung dazu?
Such phases belong to personal development in every life.
I’ve been through this phase several times and I’m glad I came out every time. Of course, it is pleasant if all the negative emotions fail. But I think that the positive emotions improve the quality of life immensely and I like to accept the disadvantages of emotions.
There is nothing beautiful in life and finished
Yes, there are so many beautiful things in life. Sometimes we see so much bad that we lose sight of the beauty. Try to focus on the beautiful things again. It makes the rest so much more bearable.
Strange: “…it’s just horny not to have emotions and feelings anymore.” shows that you still have emotions.
Did that happen, the emotions are there, just hidden. You have feelings like everyone else.
I don’t think so
I have no emotions
Not anymore
And it feels pretty fucking
Because at some point you want to feel
Because nothing feels so damn empty
And to feel something, I get hurt or do other crap
So no, it’s not good
If you hadn’t any emotions, you wouldn’t feel shit about them either…
It seems contradictory first. But without emotions a real inner void is created. This void feels uncomfortable. Not in an emotional way, but rather like simply missing something. It’s hard to describe if someone doesn’t know the feeling.
Maybe in a different way: there are feelings and emotions. Feelings can only be positive, neutral or negative. A negative feeling (e.g. exhaustion) can cause a positive emotion (e.g. pride). The emotional brain creates emotions to the feelings. This inner void is a negative feeling that, however, due to the lack of emotion, does not become an emotion. Nevertheless, the negative feeling remains.
I want to feel
What’s so miserable
I just feel empty
I do not show any reactions
Bruh Why do you contradict each other?
What am I supposed to say?
Funny I don’t really miss anything, and I’ve never had much emotion as a child.
Sometimes no emotion is normal, but the feeling of inner emptiness is basically not, but usually arises through vitamin D deficiency, great emotional pain or excessive social media consumption. I wouldn’t say it feels like boredom or depression. It’s really hard to describe. What is most likely to happen is really the feeling that something is missing. And that’s kind of uncomfortable.
Yes, the empty one is normal, but would rather express itself in boredom, not to feel emotions in a defeat.
The body wants to protect itself. If something causes too great emotional pain, the body will stop creating emotions from a protective reaction. Simply put, the emotional brain listens to releasing a hormone cocktail (emotion) in the body. This is possible and then you either feel no emotions or can only perceive them very weakly.
To that it seems paradoxical I have already written something above:
I’m just talking about something
What is so bad
And what are you talking about
So you know how it is
But you didn’t. As you said your behavior is paradoxical.
No, you have emotions you’re just trying to talk to you about why. If you were really unemotional, you wouldn’t feel shit about them.
Of course, they can just be gone
Ever heard of neurological disorders?
Sorry, but that doesn’t make any sense anymore.This is how it works with feelings also generally not they are not just gone and I think you know.
I have no emotions
It feels empty for me
Because all others have emotions
And that sucks from my perspective
Because I want to experience this
So it feels like nothing to feel
It feels like having no feelings?Do you know the problem?
If it’s really like that, and that doesn’t just mean it’s an advantage in life. However, I think that you have very well emotions in your last question it was about shame.
I didn’t say I didn’t have any negative emotions anymore
But you said you didn’t have any emotions anymore.
Being happy not to have feelings anymore is paradoxical.
It’s just better. I have learned not to show emotions anymore because it is a weakness.
Having feelings and feelings are two very different pairs of shoes.
Can’t talk to you about having feelings to look cool and mysterious, but it doesn’t do that.
Get out of your movie.
I’m just not stupid and show other low life forms my feelings
Can it be that you have some love grief or something and are still relatively young?
Maybe. People are not worth it
Both are bad
Then you just pretend you don’t have feelings instead that you really don’t have
I don’t do this to look cool but to protect me
Did that too.
You can only guess intrusively: Come out.
I like it
‘I like it’ – are emotions again.
It’s just an illusion in which you’re being cursed until you barely get out…
because you don’t want it anymore
Oh, yes
No believe me
female why
Are you male or female
I don’t believe you