Ich bin ein Alkoholiker, mir passiert folgendes wenn ich nicht trinke ?

Ich kriege dann überall am Körper Juckreiz bis ich Vodka trinke . Dann geht es mir wieder gut und das ist weg . Auch wenn ich betrunken draussen bin . Aber nüchtern Zuhause kommt der Juckreiz . Ich werde auch so klar vom Alkohol und nüchtern so verwirrt .

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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

This means that you should get in touch with a doctor and/or professionals of a consultancy office. I think this is a critical warning sign. The advice is completely confidential, you are not obliged to do anything and you don’t have to do anything. Look here: https://www.kenn-dein-limit.de/alcoholberatung/

Good luck!

3 months ago

Hello Kehlani,

one speaks of “withdrawal symptoms” when people with a addiction perceive strange things (symptome) when they do not get their addiction (with you alcohol).

It is quite possible that a addiction has developed. There are various forms of alcohol addiction.

However, we cannot give you a technical assessment of what is true with you and whether it is true. I therefore recommend that you discuss the subject with your family doctor. Alternatively, you can also search for “search advice” and/or “drug advice” at your home or the surrounding area.

3 months ago

Hi, everything was answered importantly: talk to professionals, a doctor and, in any case, the seeker advice.

3 months ago

It can be cured in a withdrawal clinic.

3 months ago
Reply to  Nobodyrotz

It is working to find a way of dealing with it. The success depends primarily on the client and not on the clinic. Once a handling has been found, you will be put to the test again and again.

3 months ago

they will be

3 months ago

That you are alcohol-dependent. These symptoms when you are drunk are probably called “Craving”.

Do a detox and never drink a sip after it.

3 months ago

That you’re addicted to alcohol. Get help

3 months ago

You’re mentally ill.