Ich bin Deutsche und habe ein Konto i. d. Schweiz und zahle dort jährlich CHF 250.- Kontoführungsgebühren. Hohe Gebühren bei Überweisung aufs deutsche Konto?
Die Kontoführungsgebühren sind einfach viel zu hoch geworden. Geld abheben oder aufs deutsche Konto überweisen? Kennt sich jemand aus, was die beste Lösung ist?
Vielen Dank!
You have several options:
When changing a bank, you should take a step after yourself:
Without knowing the terms of this bank, it is difficult to answer.
From Switzerland, SEPA transfers in euro are generally possible to accounts with banks in the EU, but Swiss banks are not bound to the EU price regulation. Therefore, it depends on the bank on the conditions on which such transfers are made.
Why are you still taking money to transfer it?
Solution? Find a bank where account management fees are lower. Ne online bank, for example. This allows you to press the account management fees. And then simply transfer money to the German account. From Switzerland you can easily make SEPA transfers. They’re free.
An online bank, okay, I’m going to research. Thank you.
You know the price models of all Swiss banks? The FS just told you they’re not free. At least not with his bank.
Read what he wrote again. Then you understand.
This is usually only profitable for people who have plenty of money.
Depends on the amount. High amounts shall be transferred. Take off low. What comes cheaper and is not subject to declaration when entering.
The easiest thing would be to close the account.
I want to quit, so the question I’m doing best before…