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Can you, but maybe throw yourself back to the beginning and there is the possibility that you will regret it afterwards. Talk from experience
Not at the beginning, I’ve been withdrawing six months since I go down more slowly and almost at 0 am with the tablets
There are people who can actually do that, then it is not a fall but a slipper… but it is unnecessary risk if you are not “safe”. Surely you can only be if you try it out. I wish you could decide.
All good
I understand thank you
Yes then it can be that the Struggle starts again. Once you go, once you go, I’ll stop tomorrow – I’ve already gotten
How stupid?
No, you can’t. Because the days when one makes a “exception” become more and more. Sooner or later, you’ll be full again. Everything has been experienced.
I’d advise you to leave it urgent. Especially since you’ve been sneaking for six months. You really want to start over?
Sure you can. It’s a relapse, which would end the withdrawal immediately.
But only for today
No, basically! You’re about to fuck yourself.
But of course:)
You have to decide. I don’t care what you’re doing.
you could be right or not but thank you for your answer
No, of course not… you’re gonna ruin everything… and it’s gonna be harder next time…
You don’t seem to want to talk to your supervisor.
I want to, and I’m good at it, I’ve been dosed a lot down the last few months
You’re doing this alone? Bad idea!
And what do you mean, “dosed down”… that’s weird… withdrawal actually means 0.0.
You realize you’re so funny.
He’s supposed to help you… but, well, is your thing…
What are you saying?
What does your doctor say?
I am talking about medicines that can’t just be put off this morning, but in my case slowly
that contradicts a withdrawal. who you have a dae nix genomes and then against it is not a withdrawal but you have just taken nix and thus you start from the front
No, you can’t…
Do, then you can start your withdrawal sometime, then blow it back.