Ich bin 31 Jahre alt und wünsche mir trotzdem eine Art Kuschel Ecke am liebsten im Wohnzimmer findet ihr das komisch oder so für eine erwachsene Frau 👩?
Hi 🙋♀️ ich erinnere mich noch an 2 Therapie Sitz Säcke aus meiner Kindheit. Die waren echt super. Allerdings war ich da auch noch etwas beweglich als jetzt. Ich hatte im Laufe der Zeit viele Operationen. Zum Beispiel an den Knien und am Rücken. Trotzdem hätte ich gerne wieder was ähnliches. So eine Art Kuschel Ecke halt. 😂 Ich habe natürlich auch schon im Internet recherchiert bin aber bis jetzt noch nicht so wirklich fündig geworden. Ist ja jetzt auch schwieriger da ich nicht mehr ganz so beweglich bin und doch schon Einschränkungen habe.
Findet ihr es irgendwie seltsam oder so, dass eine erwachsene Frau sich eine Kuschel Ecke wünscht?
Love LillyFee93112.
You should make your life as beautiful as possible.
I don’t think that’s funny.
Your parents could hang up a canopy. Below you could put a cozy armchair. A mattress and many pillows went too. Then you would have a cozy cuddly corner.
💕 greetings star
Thanks for the tip that is beautiful
Very much. Yeah, I like it very well. 💖
Cosiness and cuddles (with children, animals, partners, …) are wonderful things that also mean quality of life.
I lacked such a thing in the long dominant minimalist design fashion and I always loved it with my grandparents. Every corner was “overloaded”, but with things that all mean something and tell something.
But as well as in every room there was a place where you could “holy sit”. Garden, dining room, kitchen, living room, even in the bedroom was a couch on the window…
Nee, some have some sort of swings hanging in the living room where you can sit in or a hammock is kind of cool. It’s also your home, so you can make it like you want.
This is a normal and quite adult need. I’m over 60 and I own a seat bag on which I like to mutilate.
Ne’s not funny, my mum and I talked about a cuddly corner yesterday, how great that would be where and how to put it in my mum or with me
Why shouldn’t you wish?
If I really have enough of the world, I’ll put myself in the bath for 2 or 3 hours, listening to the audiobook or dreaming about me.
Everything with lots of foam and really hot water. Cuddly me in my bathrobe and dries slowly before me 😀
What is that other than my personal cuddly corner?
And I am 36 and a man;)
That’s not funny.
I don’t think it’s funny! On the contrary.
I have something like that, just with a lot of pillows and cuddly animals.
Make you happy! It’s not embarrassing, it’s funny or something else. Cuddling is what beautiful and everyone needs
All your questions aim exactly at the same topic and you always get the same answer: yes, is okay, just do.
Based on your previous questions and your statement in another question that you are very childish inside, it is probably normal. You know that 9/10 women at your age do not want this. So it’s not normal….
As long as it doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t matter what others think. Do what makes you happy.
Little tip, calm down with the theme “Age-Regression” and “Little space”. It might help you to see something different.
Actually, everyone has one. The couch is usually called.
Do you know prices for a reasonable couch?
So’n seat bag doesn’t cost the world, but you have to try it personally. And here the problem begins
Ne Couch we have my parents and I still live at home as I need a lot of help in everyday life due to my disability I wish a private cuddly corner only for me
This would be very easy to realize with nem room divider And then hold with objects you want
And sorry about the couch I said wrong, didn’t get right on you
There is even the concept of whole snoezel rooms, which are almost cuddly corners with cozy light. It’s not a bit strange for an adult woman. If you realize that’s good for you and relax, it’s wonderful. Build your snoecel corner.
Why would that be funny? I find very beautiful especially now in the tristen and dark season.
Have fun cuddling.
Yeah, you can do that.
I am even 35 years old and also have a cuddly corner. Mostly you feel comfortable.
LG Serena 👋
I always cuddly with my wife.
Nope. Everyone wants a place of well-being.
What’s weird about it? The desire for security and cuddling has stopped.
Very comprehensible. We are not all within sometimes like small children!
Not everyday.