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You have a normal weight for your body size.
Dude would be important to know. It makes a difference whether you’re a teenager or grown up.
As a teenager it would be completely okay and normal. As a grown-up okay, a little more would not hurt.
I became 17 the other day
Yes then completely in order.
What good?
It would be too easy for weightlifting. You’d be too big and too heavy for a good ski jumper.
Your weight is normal, all right.
It’s okay, you’re in normal weight.
Yeah, that’s very good. I am only 1.74 small and I will never find a friend
Don’t think so negative. There are enough smaller girls. calibre
Yes but they want especially big men
It’ll be fine.
unfortunately no fear
Mimimi, stop that shit, bro.
let mcih rest you chad
Heads up
Not all
All right.
That’s normal.