Ich bin 16,meine Mutter hat Alkohol Problem?
Hey,ich habe eine besondere Frage… Ich bin 16 Jahre alt…meine Mutter hat starke Alkohol Probleme…und behandelt mich dann immer wie so ein .. nur durch meinen Vater… jetzt sagt sie ich soll ausziehen…ich bin aber noch in der Schule…also hab ich auch noch keinen Job…ich soll aber innerhalb von 2 Tagen ein eigenen Wohnort finden…ist das Möglich und kann sie das einfach so durchziehen?
Wäre für schnelle Rückmeldung sehr dankbar
Liebe Grüße
Nacoa offers a free anonymous chat every Tuesday at 6:00 for young people who have problems with the consequences of drinking alcohol from a parent. Come on. https://nacoa.de/projects/consultation offers-round-the-thema-kinder-aus-suchtfamilie
Don’t start talking to her when she drank, don’t take what she says seriously, and, above all, don’t get it emotionally.
If you’re sober to take off, just answer us if you’re sober about it again.
In case you actually throw yourself out sometime, find the phone number and address of the youth emergency service in your city or district. You should be able to show up 24/7 and get down there.
If the sober phases are only very rare, you should actually consider contacting the Youth Office. At your age, they won’t do anything without talking to you before. So you don’t have to be afraid that they will suddenly come home with you.
If you want to get away from home, that should be possible, you would probably come to a residential group or a supervised WG.
Thanks for this ♥♥ as soon as I talk to her alcohol, she freaks out and jumps over it …she says: “You’re always pushing it on wine
Just answer her clearly and clearly that you do, and that’s why she’s just talking to her when she didn’t drink wine.
They’ll take care of you. You’ll probably be in a nursing family.
But then I have nix and no one else 😔 I need my sister 😔😭
If it’s under 18, it’ll be taken.
She just wanted to put me in the cold in Boxershorts… Google tells me 5 minutes at the level is already life danger…I hear them calling… she says things I can’t handle at all😭
Get help, no idea what country you are, but there is a number on Bavaria 08000 116 016 (is free) that of the family band Bayern, which are 24/7 accessible. Otherwise get the police 110
Then call the police
Yeah, you really want her!
She’s 15… she’s barely having trouble with my mother… is police calling the right way?
Join the Youth Office immediately
And what am I supposed to say to the Youth Office?
Just what you said here. Then they know immediately and believe me, then you have a better future than you are now suffering.
The Youth Office finds a common solution with you and never against your will. For example, they could have a conversation with your mother and address the topic of alcohol. Then you don’t have to do it alone and your mother might recognize the seriousness of the situation.
What else do you want to do? Living alone on the street? Call the youth office and tell them what’s going on, they’ll help you
I don’t even know if it’s so smart to get through the social network with the help
I don’t know… I love my family so much… I’ve lost my rest of my family since she separated us from our home.