Ich bin 14/M und wiege 48kg (normalgewicht) bin aber nur 145cm groß?

Hallo ich bin wie angeben 14 Jahre alt und wiege 48 kilo. Anscheinend ist das ja normalgewichtr aber mich nennt jeder im fettsack und sowas… Ich habe schon eine bierbauch mit 14!! ICH WIEGE 48KG!!!! Ich bin auch nur 145cm groß. Ich lache die kommentare immer weg, aber eigentlich verletzen sie mich extrem.

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1 year ago

I think it could be on the sprout, then these are the gases your body gets badly out, so everyone is different (the one pupst, the other rumbles, the last gets it hard out of the body). Let it go 1 week and watch. If it is, it would have to go back within a week.

Fast food could be a theme, szs.

Certain foods such as the famous cabbage or beans…

There are also exercises that could cure, movement, abdominal breathing, and something from the tcm, since more Wudang so Qi Gong (probiers before you judge 😀 this is sometimes really creepy as that can work :D), battery pointer is there to exaggerate ^^^. Just test. That’s all I can do.

1 year ago

If you are dissatisfied with your belly, you can do more sports, best abdominal muscle training. I wouldn’t recommend a diet because you’re still in growth and have normal weight.