Ich bekomme jedesmal komische Zeichen wenn ich an diese eine Person denke?

In letzter Zeit kommt es häufiger vor, dass wenn ich an diese eine Person denke das z.B eine Nachricht von der kommt oder Ähnliches.

was ist das ?

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4 months ago

Self fulfilling prophecy.

I’m not sure it had so often in puberty.

Sounds stupid, but I have a slight suspicion and I don’t stand alone that pupils actually have light esper skills.

Here, for example, your brain takes the electromagnetic radio waves.
It doesn’t read the data in your head now, so you know someone has written it, but you realize it’s a message at the entrance. Because the waves strip/stack/stimulate your own brain waves.
So I often knew that exactly 1-2 seconds before I got a message. mostly it was from the person I had thought of. but that is then coincidence because I had a lot of contact with the person anyway and it is just likely that she writes.

I can still, for example, but is now much more difficult.. if I go into a semi-meditative state, listen to radio without radio 😀

And things that I wish.. as long as there are no scalable things or something. I usually find on the same day or a few days later.

They’re just lying on the street where I can take them.

Also, for example, the first movie of chipmunks came out curiously 3 days after I had told buddies about nem Dj.
The Dj sounded like the chipmunks. but no one knew at the time who they are.. I’ve been thinking about three days as I can prove to them, because didn’t have so real internet and youtube etc..
Then suddenly the advertisement came that the movie is about to go. and everyone knew who I was talking about.

And this is just one of many stories.

4 months ago

Manifest, mega good for you if you have a hand for