Ich (18) will dringen mit dem Vapen/Rauchen auf, wie?

Hallo ich (m 18) Vapen seit ungefähr seit dem ich 16 war regelmäßig Vapes und ich kann mir das einfach nicht mehr leisten, aber ich werde sobald ich irgendwie am Monatsanfang wieder Geld bekomme stark rückfällig.

Ich würde echt gerne damit aufhören aber mein Umfeld ist auch stark abhängig, wie mein einziger bester Freund u.Ä.

Ich würde echt gerne wissen wo ich Hilfe bekommen kann und was bei euch am besten funktioniert hat.

Es macht mir auch aktuell keinen Spaß mehr und es macht mir nur Kopfschmerzen und ich komm da nicht von weg.

Gerade jetzt wo ich die überall bekommen kann und mehr Geld dafür hab.

Vielen Dank für jede Antwort im voraus.

P.S. am besten was in Leverkusen, sofern es hier Angebote etc. gibt und vielleicht etwas für jüngere Menschen.

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Alena von Mindzone
1 year ago

Hello FreiMitAllem,

are you steaming Vapes with nicotine?

If you can’t leave the vape (yet) completely, try (stepwise) to move to Vapes without nicotine. Nicotine makes extremely fast dependent and most Vapes unfortunately contain the maximum permissible nicotine.

Try to get your friend to the boat, so that he can support you or help. You could think of a challenge together, e.g. “not vaping a month” or if this is too much, e.g. “only vaping Mondays”. As an incentive, you expect how much money you save and what you can do as an alternative if you can.

Under https://www.dhs.de/service/search assistance directory you can search for local and district advice in your area.

I work as a social educator at the Mindzone project (acceptance-oriented drug work) and am on the go as a digital street worker online. You can also write us about our online consultation: https://mindzone.assisto.online (Go to “Send an email request”, remember and remember Nickname and password).


Alena from digital streetwork team

1 year ago

First, you should stop smoking. This should also include any type of smoking, i.e. cigarettes, cannabis, etc…

If you continue using e-cigarettes with nicotine in the liquid, it prevents the withdrawal symptoms, as the nicotine quantity is high enough.

During time, your tobacco dependence gradually decreases.

Some time later you can gradually reduce the nicotine. When you reach zero, you can stop it.

Dependencies are only built by smoking. If your dependency is over, it’s over…

ABER… you have to really want it. Without a firm will and decision, it does not work.

1 year ago
Reply to  FreiMitAllem

Create a reasonable e-cigarette if not yet. If necessary, you can use it instead of smoking.

1 year ago

I stopped with Tabex, a drug for smoking. The first two days were a bit exhausting, after which I had no withdrawal symptoms at all.

1 year ago
Reply to  FreiMitAllem

Search for smoke-free courses on the Internet in Leverkusen. You can also consult your health insurance company, some cash registers even take over the costs. It’s not a guarantee.