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2 years ago

I’m actually helping ibuprofen. Do not need a buscopan or other. I take this very rarely when the pain is really not to be stopped.

I divide a 400gr Ibuprofen/Paracetamol tablet into two halves. I’ll pick up one for later, the other 200gr tablet I’ll take. Within 10-20min, pain is opaque.

You just have to make sure you don’t take too much ibuprofen, because you can resist after some time. I advise you to take a small dose and see if this helps. Not exactly a 400/600/800gr pill.

In addition, if you need some cramping, you can also take Buscopan plus (+). The active ingredient is Buscopan and Paracetamol.

If the problems worsen, often occur, be very painful, certain may only pull one side in the abdomen, you should arrange an appointment with your female doctor on next occasion and discuss it with her.

Manchnal helps prevent very severe complaints. It can even leave a bleed completely.

You could also drink a tea or warm milk with a spoon of honey. It’s really gonna make you sleep better. Make a cherry kernel pillow warm or a water bottle. Not too hot, please.

If you have been using a contraceptive agent (IUP/ IUD) today or in the last few days, please be very careful with heat bottles. But you must have told your doctor.

If headaches, nausea, dizziness and the like occur, please do not panic (do some). Mostly passes. Pressure on the ears may also occur by blood pressure. Nothing the more, regular to the female doctor.

Good improvement

2 years ago
Reply to  Madeleine0498

I guess it’s like that. It does not always have to have a visible cause. Pain is sometimes normal as long as you don’t begin to circle around as if you were bitten by Dino at Jurasic Park. Good improvement again!

2 years ago


I don’t know.

You can take Ibo that I’ve done for a long time.

But as a tip: Take Dolamin for women who help even better! At least it’s like this to me. These tablets are extra for menstrual complaints!

Good improvement!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Melly1810


Then you know it for the next time:)

2 years ago

So with me Ibuprofen helps with underwear pain but I also know where it doesn’t work

You can just try it I would take for the beginning only 200

2 years ago
Reply to  Madeleine0498

400mg is ok

2 years ago
Reply to  Madeleine0498

I always take 400

But Google says that you should take only 200😬😂

2 years ago

Yes I had read this on a pharmacies website but 200 is not enough for me…

2 years ago

Jaa of this goes, and since it is painful because of the ovulation, you can also take the pills that go to help painful rule like Dolormin for women or Buscopan…. Whatever.. all painkillers should actually help.

good improvement of pain 🙂

2 years ago

You can even take Ibu at a throat pain – the active ingredient is wumpe where the pain sits.

If a 400 won’t help your pain, take half a 400. For me, it takes about 30 minutes until the effect begins.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lmorg

A mistake? Why should she take less if the higher dose does not help?

2 years ago
Reply to  simpsonss2

Why less if the higher dose does not help? Where are you reading this?

A whole 400+ a half is not “less” with me than a 400.

2 years ago


Jo, having experienced that 200s (at least with me) don’t work at all. I often need 2 400s or a 600s to get rid of my underlying pain. It is still possible to cause or withstand slight pain relatively well, but if it is really limiting and keeps one from sleep, it does not harm to take a 400.

I usually find it twice annoying because you’re only in bed with pain until you realize that you can’t sleep, then take a small dose, have to wait another 20-30 minutes with this pain, just to realize in the stupid case that the dose doesn’t work. That’s another half an hour because you need another dose.

(I admit, however, that with abdominal pain, I do a very short process because I always have them strong:/ )

2 years ago

Ups is sorry. Thought errors were with me and reading too. However, it would also be good if you first started with 200gr. But everyone has to weigh up, from what grams you want to start.

2 years ago

Yes, it helps. takes about 30-60 minutes.

2 years ago

Yes, you can take. Works after 30 min

2 years ago

Of course, this is the classic, besides headaches.

Take it together with Cola, then it works faster and better.

Good improvement!

2 years ago
Reply to  Madeleine0498

A sip champagne also accelerates the effect.