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1 year ago

The most secure is still the combination Cash payment at pickup.

And if you want to send, there is nothing safer for you as a seller than a SEPA transfer to your current account:

Once the money is on your account, it comes out of you No more.

It can also No start something with your bank connection, even if ignorants repeatedly assert something else.

And if someone should try a debit – what Extreme is unlikely – then you can unauthorized debits within a period of 13 months return:

Click: What to do with unauthorized debits?

Very important:

  • Not responding to alleged mails from banks, but only sending after you himself have convinced that the money also actually on your account in writing.
  • Only transmission track send.
1 year ago

Classifieds should be bar true. Then you are on the safe side that is actually paid, and the buyer is sure he has the goods.

If you request transfer is the highest risk that the buyer calls “referral of bank transfer” the payment should prove that has not taken place. So only send when the money has been received with you, not if the buyer claims/occupies” he has transferred.

Otherwise don’t make a head.

1 year ago

Name, IBAN, Bank and Co you have to give out… so someone can give you money!

Each company, association and co. has printed its IBAN data publicly on the website and on the letter paper! Every invoice you have to pay is the IBAN and Co …

So “SOO GREEN” can’t be it, right?? o_O

1 year ago

Yeah, how else is he supposed to transfer the money? Of course you need to tell him your account details.

1 year ago

He needs the data to be transmitted, as far as completely normal.

You can also not clear the account empty. You can trigger a direct debit at most. You can cancel it, so get it back.