I mac Computer kann keine sichere Verbindung zum Server aufbauen?


ich fände, dass echt faszinierend wenn mir hierbei jemand helfen kann. Mir konnte bisher niemand helfen

folgendes Problem

  1. ich habe einen I mac gekauft, ich kann aber weder auf den Apple Store noch auf Safari zugreifen. Beim öffnen steht dort, ,,safari kann die Seite www.apple.com nicht öffnen, da Safari keine sichere Verbindung zum Server www.apple.com aufbauen kann.
  2. ausserdem ist hier noch der Vorbesitzer angemeldet, wenn ich oben links auf den ,,Apfel“ klicke sehe ich den Namen ,,angemeldet“ stehen. Was passiert wenn ich mich abmelde, habe ich dann keinen Zugriff mehr auf den I mac ?

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6 months ago

that is because this is an extremely outdated version of OS X. This old design was last used in OS X Mavericks, which came out in 2013. The version is therefore at least 10 years old.

A complete reset and update would therefore be useful. Turn off the Mac best, turn it on again and stop as soon as the sound comes CMD + Option + R pressed. The Mac then downloads the latest available version. Once loaded, you can format the hard drive and reinstall macOS.

6 months ago

It’s not surprising. This is an iMac from before 2015 – with the associated OS SnowLeopard. And it wasn’t common to build all connections via https, even today’s common WiFi types (encryption) probably don’t know. In addition, the necessary certificates no longer fit here, let alone that Safari could even establish a connection (which, if only via LAN cable at all). An update to a current Mac OS is also no longer possible due to the model, so it is a useless box.

4 months ago

This has nothing to do with an outdated version. This can also happen in a current version.

For example, if you have your iMac on standby and hang on the net and the system (Ethernet controller) has established the connection (initiation) and you open the browser, you will always have 99% of a connection.

However, if you completely switch the iMac and start the system, the Ethernet controller will need a short time until the connection to the server has been established. If you now open the browser exactly in this phase, where the connection from the Ethernet controller was still initialized, you have the problem – it depends.

So after a real start from nothing, it is enough to leave the system 1-2min time if you want to go safely. Has Safari hung up with this message – you won’t get it away – close your browser. Remove Ethernet Network Service 1 min wait and add again. A restart alone can help but not always.

In short; either with existing connection, only resting condition, or after correct restart not immediately open the browser 1-2 min.

6 months ago

I’d reset it first. Who knows what’s on it?

Maybe the other problem will be solved automatically.

6 months ago

When buying a used computer, the first step should always be to delete the hard drive and reinstall the operating system! You never know what a garbage or some spy software is on it.

And then you should find out which is the latest Mac OS version supported by the imac and install it.

In this version, the root certificates are outdated or even expired, so he can no longer check the certificates of web servers and throws these error messages.

For the start, you can download Firefox with another computer here, to a USB stick (which must have Fat32, no NTFS!) and then install from the stick on the Mac. imho brings firefox current root certificates and you should be able to surf at least for the first time.


6 months ago
  1. What does your network look like?
  2. As long as this is not reported as stolen, you should also be able to log in with your own account
6 months ago

So unsubscribe and register me?

Yeah, that often solves a lot of problems. If not – reboot is good. Is it connected to the Internet via LAN or via WLAN? What does the WLAN symbol look like in the menu bar, black or grayed out? What model are we talking about with what OS and what browser are we talking about?

OS: It’s called iMac.

6 months ago

Go on.

6 months ago

Oh, please send me a PN.

6 months ago

If I go to the user, I have to enter the user’s password, so it’s not possible.

What’s wrong? No input field, PW not accepted,

I’ve connected him to Wlan now.

Can’t load a page or just those on the photo?

Model version version I only see, version 10.6.8” is that meant?

That can’t stand there, that’s the macOS version, not the iMac model. Look here: Click the Apple menu bar at the top left, the first entry is “About this Mac” which selects. In the opening window stands which model it is.

under network is connected only airport,

Okay, well, he’s online. Anything online? Again the question: What browser is that? Does another browser work? The OS is quite old and therefore also the Safari version. Older versions often cannot build up new pages. Try it with Firefox or Opera. You can download it from the web without app store.

ethernet not connected, firewire and bluetooth – pan not connected

If possible connect it by Ethernet cable. FW and BT are irrelevant here.

6 months ago

Snow Leopard, released in 2009. No update is possible.