I almost pass out when the plane takes off, why?

Guys last year when I took the plane to maiorca I suddenly saw almost everything black when the flight was about to take off and when we arrived and the plane went down I felt so weird again

my head felt heavy and i got really dizzy in those few seconds

what is going on with me?

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12 years ago

the pressure forces due to the acceleration are inherently too weak in the aircraft in order to trigger a powerlessness. Together with the excitement and a low blood pressure, it can happen that you get a little dizzy. Before flying, drink half liters of water and eat something, it could change.

12 years ago
Reply to  Terezza

and let yourself be told by experienced planes how to make pressure equalization in your ears.

12 years ago
Reply to  Terezza

Terezza has called quite everything that can be the reason for your complaints. Drink water, eat a little bite – I can only join it.

Pressure equalization in the ears: chickens, better chew gum, or suck a candy, something that you regularly swallow **, ** is helpful. By swallowing and teeth, a better equalization of the air pressure of the Eustachic tube is made possible, whereby the pressure is better matched to the external pressure.

The dizziness: sounds like extreme symptoms. I’m liking the flight and enjoying the phases (although start and landing are among the most difficult manoeuvres in the cockpit) in which I’m pressed into the seat.

For your next flight I wish you “Happy landing”!

12 years ago

Hey, that’s sweet! No, the star is yours, alone! LG, ahoi

12 years ago

Thanks for star – which has also earned ahoi1 – or?

12 years ago

Then you are like me.

12 years ago

I can only join this, the acceleration to the take-off is the best of it – and of course the view in beautiful weather!

12 years ago

I guess your blood pressure did what he wanted and not what you wanted. Let’s check you out. Maybe it’s already done with regular sports.

12 years ago
Reply to  Amenafreak321

the blood pressure can fluctuate, just if you are still very young, it is not unusual that the time falls short. that’s not dangerous.

12 years ago

Sounds like flugangst 🙂

12 years ago

It is the thin air that prevails about 4000m above the earth. I sometimes did.

12 years ago
Reply to  TheUKfella

at start and landing? ^^
In addition, the cabins are pressure- and oxygen-regulated.

12 years ago
Reply to  Daeel

During the flight. That’s a great oxygen regulation. I’ll get breathing trouble every flight.

12 years ago
Reply to  Daeel

at the start is not even thin air outside and in the plane does not last the whole flight.

12 years ago

: Super comments! DH!

12 years ago

The “air” in an aircraft, the pressure, the temperature in the cabin, all of which is “artificially” manufactured so that the passengers can feel relatively comfortable.

And birds cannot walk around at the altitude of the trip and above, the “climate” they would not bear. Ausser: they fly the Flyer with 😉

If you get respiratory problems: googel mal “hyperventilation syndrome”, this is a “false” breathing, see Wikipedia:

“A hyperventilation is a disturbance of respiratory regulation, which is usually mentally conditioned. Strong affects like fear, panic or excitement, but also… can lead to accelerated breathing.”

Sometimes, among other things, there is a “pallet position” of the hands, something dramatic, but it is quick to get in the grip: just hold the (scratch) bag in front of the mouth and nose and breathe some paints in and out there.LG!

12 years ago

that is not in the air, but in you!

12 years ago

You don’t breathe the outside air in the plane! The altitudes go up to the jetstream level, but no one would survive. Think!

12 years ago

So during the flight the air is not thin no?

Hmm. I wonder why in ca. 4000m height does not see birds in the air.

What do you think this might be?

12 years ago

Maybe you have balance disorders or balance problems.

12 years ago

your body does not seem to be the most fit.

12 years ago

Flight time