Hypnotisieren lassen(Sport)?


mich bin sportlich aber das Problem ist das ich auch einen hohen Körperfettanteil habe.(25%) Ich will davon runter nur das Problem ist, das ich kein Gemüse mag. Deshalb ist meine Frage, ob man sich so Hypnotisieren lassen kann, dass man Gemüse mag. Und was so etwas kostet.

danke im Voraus

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1 year ago

Certainly there are hypnosis providers who claim to be able to change your eating preferences. I can only tell you about such a waste of money. 80-120€/hour, earnings, uncertain.

I am convinced that aversion to vegetables is only due to the surplus of other foods.

Nonetheless, you do not have to eat ZWINGEND vegetables to get a lower body fat content. The most important is the calorie deficit, a lot of protein and a little sweetheart… and naturally movement. I’m not a vegetable fan either, but you start eating it automatically when you drive a calorie deficit and don’t want to stop the empty stomach. Vegetables have a lot of volume and little calories. At some point it tastes almost a bit of xD (because nothing else is available in the kitchen).
Hypnotize yourself with the benefits of vegetables;)

1 year ago

You’re so young and in physical development. The magic word is balanced to eat. At 20 you can start with diet replacement.