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1 year ago andmenorrhagie/

Hypermenorrhea and menorrhagie

All contents are checked by medical professional journalists.

Hypermenorrhea and menorrhagie are among the most common cycle disorders and often occur together. A control bleeding (menorrhagie) lasting for at least seven days and an increased blood loss (hypermenorrhea) of more than 80 ml per cycle occurs. The causes for this are diverse and usually not life-threatening. The triggers are, for example, changes in the sex organs or hormone fluctuations. Read what causes hypermenorrhoe and menorrhagie can have and what you can do about it!

Hypermenorrhea and menorrhagie

Normally, in women about every 28 days, control bleeding occurs when no fertilized egg enters the mucous membrane of the uterus insulted. The bleeding usually takes four to five days, then the menstrual cycle starts from the front. The menstrual fluid consists of Blood and parts of the cervical mucosa. Every month a woman loses an average of about 40 ml of blood. A cycle is counted from the first day of the control bleeding and the last day before the next control bleeding. Cycle lengths from 25 to 35 days are considered normal and often occur.

Menorrhagie and Hypermenorrhoea – too long and too strong control bleeding

In menorrhagie and hypermenorrhea (hypermenorrhea), prolonged cycle bleeding and/or increased loss of blood occurs. An extended cycle contributes to increased blood loss, which is why hypermenorrhea and menorrhagie often occur paired. The causes of both cycle disorders are also frequently the same.

Medicines speak of menorrhagie when menstruation lasts more than seven days. With pronounced menorrhagie the bleeding can extend up to two weeks. Hypermenorrhea describes an increased cycle bleeding with a blood loss of more than 80 ml during a control bleeding.

Intensified, prolonged control bleeding is quite unpleasant for those affected and critically affects everyday life, profession and sex life. Many women suffer from high blood loss Tiredness, depression, exhaustion, circulatory problems and blood poverty. With the blood goes Iron lost – there can even be iron deficiency anemia.

1 year ago

No, it’s not. Not more than the shortsightedness for which you need glasses.

See that you drink enough during the period, eat and rest as far as possible.

Listen to your body.

I have the same problem and do it exactly like that. Make sure to drink well in the summer. Feed well. I like to eat nuts more often in time because of the iron.

1 year ago

It is a cycle disorder and no correct disease. On this page you will find enough information

1 year ago

Hypermenorrhoe is the medical expression for “excessive control bleeding”. It’s a symptom, not a disease. But if you lose so much blood every month that you slowly slip into an iron deficiency.

1 year ago

that is a cycle disorder. You bleed more than normal in menstruation