
Ich frag mich echt, warum Hygieneartikel für Frauen überhaupt besteuert werden.

Ich kann ja nix dafür, dass ich meine Tage hab… Warum muss ich zusätzlich zu meinem Nachteil frauenspeziefische Artikel zu benötigen darauf auch noch Steuer zahlen… (sorry ich mach natürlich nen Kniefall.. dass es nur 7% sind)

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7 months ago

You’re right about that, and I’ve already thought about it.

As if you weren’t punished enough monthly, you have to pay for it.

It’s crazy.

7 months ago

This is an important issue that should certainly be discussed politically. Why you should pay anything for something that you can’t do and just shows that your reproductive organs work healthy.

7 months ago

This is true, but VAT is also collected on drugs and condoms.

And in the case of basic foods, taxes are not justified either, because for someone to have hunger and eat to survive, nobody can. There should be no tax on this.

Write to a somewhat woman-friendly party – such as the Greens – that this is an unjustified disadvantage of women and that you think a change is necessary and ask for an opinion. I don’t think they’re just putting this aside, because women are actually disadvantaged here, because men don’t get these costs. LG

7 months ago
Reply to  curiouslena

Can be unfortunately 🙄

7 months ago

That’s really shit.

And I think the government could do that if they wanted.

7 months ago

Write a dear letter to Mr. Lindner.