Hydraulik steuerblock?
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Und zwar sind meine zylinder doppelwirkend das ist klar da läuft das Öl mit Druck nur wenn ich mein steuerblock nicht bestätige und die Pumpe pumpt ja dauerhaft wo geht das Öl dan hin wird das dan ganz normal durch den steuerblock gepumpt und zurück in den Tank oder muss ich da noch ein extra Rücklauf einbauen ?
In the case of a control block with a floating central position (zero action), the fluid must be returned directly to the tank via the depreciating connection.
A 1-0-2 control block has such a circulation connection for the “0” center position .
Thank you but what do I recognize what a tax block I bought this here
OldFe 2 Spool Hydraulic valve Handle valve 21 GPM Hydraulic Directional Control Valve 3600 PSI directional control valve adjustable https://www.amazon.de/dp/B0832Q4T29/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_H7TEMY5AMXDMXESJB3GN
With 2 banks both go to the front and back is all there a 1-0-2? Where, as described, the oil is reciprocating at zero position and start returning to the tank ?
Sorry, I don’t want anything to do with Ama***. But in the technical description there would have to be a fluid switching block representation.
In the “swimming position 0 ” the inputs 1 & 3 would then have to be directly connected to a U-shaped line in the block circuit diagram at 1-0-2 for DW cylinders, while 2 & 4 would each be marked with a T rotated on the head in the middle position for the cylinder control.
There I need to insert a new answer because of image insertion.
here again the manufacturer page with plan and everything https://hydrotechnik24.de/control valves/handcontrol valve 80l-2-fold double-acting
so I’ve ever searched the manufacturer of the part in the internet and my control block found it’s a 1-0-2 control block with an adjustable outlet valve.
So I really understood that if no lever is actuated the oil gan normal goes via the return on the control block back into the tank without which I need an extra return?
Thank you
In this control block, you will need to install a pressure valve in the zero passage or when the cylinders are reached in the end position.
Here the block diagram :
Supplement :
According to block diagram, T1 could be the pressure-loadedtank return in the middle position on this valve.
Yes this is the tank return according to the description of the letters p for pump t for tank a and b cylinder
N press release