Hybrid vs Benzin Kosten was lohnt sich mehr?


Ich werde mir eventuell ein Hybrid Plugin Auto als Übergangs Auto zuzulegen und ich versuche grade die Spritkosten zu vergleichen womit ich sehen will ob man jetzt rein von den Spritt Kosten zu meinem Jetzigen Auto vom Verbrauch einsparen könnte.

Ist meine Berechnung richtig?

Also Ich Fahre 10 Km zur Arbeit größtenteils in der Stadt das bedeutet hin und zurück = 20 KM.

Als Beispiel Auto habe ich mit den Ford Kuga raus gesucht mot Plugin Hybrid der hat 14.4 Kwh laut Daten.

Mein Jetziges Auto ist ein E 46 BMW 316ti der Verbraucht aktuell 9.2l/100km

Ich hab so gerechnet:

Spritkosten beim BMW hab ich über die Website ermittelt mit folgenden Daten: https://www.spritkostenrechner.de/benzinrechner

Daten: Entfernung = 20 Km, Preis Pro Liter E10 1,59, Benzin Verbrauch 9,2l/100Km und Logischerweise 1ne Person.

Laut dem Sprittrechner wären das 2,93 Euro

Mit dem Ford Kuga rein Elektrisch fahren auch über den Spritkostenrechner ausgerechnet (muss man nur umstellen)

Bei 14.4 Kwh und einem Preis von 0,39 cent/kWh kommt bei mir 1,12 raus.

Wenn ich jetzt beides mal durchrechne was wie folgt aussieht:


2,93€ x 26 (Arbeitstage) = 76,18€ /Monat


1,12€ x 26 (Arbeitstage) = 29,12€ /Monat

ist meine Berechnung richtig? Ich fahre natürlich auch mal Autobahn, Einkaufen etc. Ich wollte aber mal einfach sehen wie das nur mit Arbeitsweg aussieht weil das ist bei mir eher so 80% wofür ich mein Auto nutze.

Vielen Dank

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2 years ago


there are still quite different costs, such as taxes, insurance etc. and how electricity and gasoline price develop, no one knows. Consumptions are also different in the city than on road. You’ll be sure to save with a hybrid “Spritgeld” just if you need more than 9l per 100 km. but to calculate exactly on the €, I keep a little suspiciously optimistic.

From that you are normal at 10 km in the city often faster with an Ebike or ÖPNV.

About Anna

2 years ago

For several reasons, the pure calculation does not use anything.

  • Consumption on short distances in the city is considerably higher for a burner, but also for electric cars, especially in the cold season. How much higher that you can only try in practice. The shorter the distance, the higher the effect.
  • In the case of an electric car (PlugIn purely electric), you have to count on your individual electricity costs. They may not have to be close to €0.39.

In fact, I would not recommend a plug-in hybrid for such a driving profile. The problem with the things is that you will not get rid of the maintenance costs for the reciprocating piston engine. I also fear they will also have a significant loss of value in the next few years due to this knowledge. This is, of course, pure speculation.

If you’re using your car for the most part, then I’d advise you to a purely electric small car, e.g. Smart. For long distances, you can take your BMW a few more years (if you have a garage) or take a car rental (car sharing) or the train. This is probably cheaper from the total cost.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gensis98

I had a Smart EQ ForFour until Jan 2022, which I used only for commuting and occasional trips. I had bought it as a new car in 2020 (not leased, not financed) Jan 2022 I sold it back to the dealer with a pretty exact 2,000,- € loss of value, so I could possibly even get more private. These are 2,000,- € and less than 200,- € for an inspection I had. makes around 92,- € per month maintenance and loss of value. Of course I can’t look into the future. Even if you have a burner in the garage that you might drive 3,000 km/year, that’s probably cheaper. I must admit, of course, that I have never been a private person. In my part, the combustor was part of a fleet that several people used for long distances, because all e-cars were not so suitable at the beginning.

2 years ago

I can describe my experience:

I had a Toyota Auris gasoline who had a consumption in the city from 7.8 liters to 100km. Landstraße were 5.5 liters and highway 6.5 – 7.0 liters

Based on a service and an airbag callback, the vehicle was delivered and I had a Toyota Auris full hybrid (no plugin hybrid) for 10 days – that means that the vehicle has a power/gasoline mix and the power is charged without a socket but via recuperation.

With the Toyota Auris Vollhybrid I had a consumption in the city of 2.8 liters. On the highway and highway I didn’t get over 4.5 liters.

In all respects, the full hybrid was significantly more economical than my gasoline.

A colleague has picked up a Toyota Prius plugin hybrid. He goes to work and home daily by car. He only refuels the car once a month approx. 40 liters, the rest is driven electrically. For him, this is the best alternative between petrol and electric. It has an electric drive and at a longer distance when the electric range is used up, it has the internal combustion engine that works like a full hybrid and, in contrast to a pure gasoline, continues to consume less fuel.

If you want to create a hybrid, you should get Toyota or Look at Lexus. They not only have an enormous know-how in the hybrid sector, but are also one of the most reliable manufacturers on the market.

2 years ago

Drive with home charged electricity is currently cheaper than gasoline.

Whether 14.4 kWh/100 km per year is enough, I dare to doubt. I’d expect 18-20 kWh and if the burner runs, he’ll need gas.
Nevertheless, he is certainly cheaper than a car that needs over 9 litres of gas.
The additional price of the hybrid must be counterbalanced.