Hybrid-Fahrzeuge werden von einem Verbrennungsmotor angetrieben beurteile die Vor und Nachteile im Vergleich zu einem reinen Elektromotor?
Danke im voraus😉
Danke im voraus😉
Hallo hab eine e Klasse wo der Motor ab und zu 1 mal im Monat im Stand einfach ausgeht und die gelbe Kontrolle leuchtet manchmal und dann aber wieder Tage lang nicht. ich geh von defekten Kurbelwellen Sensor aus, meine Frage was passiert wenn ich einfach normal so weiter fahre? ich hab noch 1,5 Jahre…
Was ist die atomtheorie von Dalton?
Moin, wollte einfach mal fragen wie viel ich im Monat verdienen müsste, um mir einen R8 V10 Plus von 2016 (ca. 120.000€) Leisten zu können. Bitte kommt mir nicht mit “Das ist doch Geldverschwendung!” Etc. Es ist mein Traum Punkt fertig aus. Danke schonmal für die Antworten.
Ist es ein Kausaladverb, dass eine Bedingung anzeigt? Siehe: https://www.deutschplus.net/pages/Kausaladverbien Oder: Modaladverb
Meine Frage lautet… Wie kann die nicht-kompetitive Hemmung reversibel sein, aber auf dem Diagramm trotzdem nicht das Vmax bzw. die Maximalgeschwindigkeit erreichen? Wie unterscheidet man dann auf dem Diagramm, ob es sich bei der nicht-kompetitiven Hemmung um eine reversible oder einer irreversiblen Hemmung handelt?
Hallo liebe Community, weil ich nach was größerem aus bin habe ich vorerst mein BMW 335i e92 verkauft und suche jetzt erstmal für die Überbrückung bis ich fündig werde ein Ersatz Fahrzeug für bis zu 5000€ und wollte schauen ob wir vielleicht Experten hier haben die mir Tipps und Tricks und auch Ratschläge geben könnten…
For both technologies, the positive effects are shown, but the disadvantages of the respective other technology result directly.
(pure)e car (BEV):
A hybrid vehicle has an electric motor and a further drive motor or Power converter.
Since the time has produced several partly completely different hybrid concepts with different approaches and completely different objectives, the question cannot be answered so directly, except that it is attempted to combine the best of both worlds.
Some hybrids are designed for as low as possible pollutant content in the exhaust gas, others are more likely to aim for state support and reduction of fleet consumption, others are supposed to operate the burner slightly or significantly more economical, and others are aiming to get the last bit of power out of the car.
Some of them already contradict each other. This means that the question cannot be answered in a clear manner unless a specific hybrid concept is found.
Long journeys continuously possible, environmentally friendly driving in localities can take place purely electric, short distances can be driven purely electrically (burner would not be sufficiently warm anyway), heating can take place in winter via the internal combustion engine and does not reach as in the purely electric car.
small battery has only little electrical range, has the possibility to eject exhaust gases (if internal combustion engine is applied),
That’s all I’m thinking of.
I love these questions, where you can feel the interest of people, where exciting topics and knowledge are created, where the FS actively participates… and not just “I’m Han Keen Bock at School, and thinking that interferes with baptism and bulging”.
The question here is not part of it.
Uh, is that praise or tadel now? 🤔
I am always amazed at how many people lose their minds and homework, and later one wonders that they have nothing to know, can’t think independently and can’t do anything without an app.
Disadvantage: Even more fuel consumption than normal burner because of the heavy battery.
Advantage: Although more environmentally harmful than normal burners, the premium for buying an electric vehicle can be accepted.
Hybrid does not have a future but is a maximum transition concept.Besides the burner, an E-drive is also installed. This makes so scary a lot of technology in the car that it can only be paid by promotion and continues to have an increased risk of failure.
In my opinion, either go on properly e-car or old burners until it is weggerostet. This is the best for the environment.
I don’t think I’m targeting any discussions with the e-car, hardly anyone has to be able to drive 1000 km without charging/tanking. This is completely overestimated.
60% of all new Toyota customers opt for a hybrid, approx. 99% of these hybrids are not eligible.
There are hardly any vehicles whose drive can only compete with the reliability of Toyota hybrids.
Advantage: You don’t need a 300km long cable…..